Wandering StarsTo ancient astronomers, the stars seemed fixed, moving across the sky during the night but always in fixed constellations—except for five bright points that appeared to wander among the stars. In the geocentric model of the solar system, where everything orbits the Earth, the paths of these five seemed strange, with several even backtracking and looping around in a retrograde motion. Today, we know that our solar system is heliocentric and all planets orbit the sun, so the retrograde motions are only perspective issues, but the ancient names for the planets remain. The Greeks called them ‘planets’, meaning wanderers, and the five were originally named after Roman deities: Mercury, messenger of the gods, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, Mars, the god of war, Jupiter, king of the gods, and Saturn, father of Jupiter and god of agriculture.
Σάββατο 20 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Wandering Stars
Παρασκευή 12 Οκτωβρίου 2012
9 Ayurvedic Rules for Eating
9 Ayurvedic Rules for Eating
- Eat only when you are hungry. As in really hungry — that is to say, when your previous meal has been completely digested. Sometime we might think that we are hungry, however, it could only be that we are dehydrated. Be in tune with your body and re-discover how it feels to be really hungry.
- Eat in a calm and comfortable place. Sit down when you eat and eat with as little distraction as possible: no tv, no book, no phone, no laptop…
- Eat the right quantity. We are all different, with different needs and different stomach size and metabolic speed. Listen to your body and eat only to point when you feel satisfied.
- Eat warm meals. Ideally freshly cooked but as long as you avoid anything coming out straight from the fridge you’ll preserve your digestive power (Agni). This allows your digestive enzymes to work efficiently.
- Eat quality food. Make sure that your meal is juicy or a little oily as this will facilitate digestion and improve nutrient absorption. Avoid foods which are too dry.
- Do not eat incompatible food items together. This might lead to an upset stomach. Here are some food combinations that you should avoid.
- Be present when you eat. Use all your 5 senses. Take time to appreciate the smell of your meal, the look of your plate, the texture of your food, the different flavors, and the sounds that you make when you eat.
- Don’t eat fast. Don’t just swallow your food, take your time to chew. Chewing is an essential step of digestion.
- Eat at regular time. Nature likes cycles and regularity so you should abide!
the keys to your soul
There are two doors in the heart, an entrance and an exit. If you have only the exit open, and not the entrance, it simply means that you are willing to give love, but too afraid to receive it. Fear is the lock that has been placed on this door by your mind.If you have the entrance open, but have closed the exit, it means that you are fully accepting of receiving love, but not willing to give it. Mainly fear, but also ignorance, are the locks that have been placed on this door by your mind.
Now imagine for a moment that you were somehow able to open both of these locks. Meaning you were willing and able to both give and receive love. What would happen? What would change?
The divine flux, as I call it, would be initiated. Energy would no longer accumulate in the mind, would no longer get channeled only into the ego, nor would it leave you feeling empty and cold after you’ve given it all away. Instead, it would flow freely through you, animating you, supplying you with endless love, and endless compassion; as well as endless strength, and endless wisdom. What you give would be returned to you ten-fold, so long as you are willing and able to receive it, and thus a beautiful cycle would begin. This flux can save your life. It can open you to the love that exists and flows all around you. In the air, in the water; in the earth, and in the light. Even in the hearts of those who have hurt you. It can empower you to reach out to others, and to teach them how to heal themselves; to share with them your knowledge of the divine flux, and how to initiate it.
Just remember, if the mind can place these locks on the heart, then it can also remove them. Your mind preserves all the keys to your soul, just in case it decides to change.
Δευτέρα 1 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Pyramids under the waters
Pyramids under the waters near Cuba were discovered by two scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. They found the ruins of ancient buildings about a mile below the seaThey found a written language engraved on the stones.
Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and symbols that was identical to those on the waterfront structures below.
the two scientists used submarines to locate and explore these pyramid structures
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately took control in order that it will not come to Soviet hands. Or so the story goes …
A whistleblower from the army, that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recovering objects and instruments
This area in Cuba has not been above water in more than 10,000 years…
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