Τρίτη 28 Αυγούστου 2012

The Crop Circle Mystery

The Crop Circle Mystery

The most widely accepted theory on how crop circles are formed, involves people stomping down upon a board that is attached to the feet.

When you research this phenomenon yourself, you will learn that there are many more questions that cannot be answered by this theory.

This is a quote from a crop circles documentary, Unsigned Circles:

"So What energy systems could possibly interact with oats, barley, wheat, rice and so forth around the planet and have crops stand, go down, cross sometimes 5 or 6 times at 90 degree angles and still lift up crop at the bottom of multiple layers, and not find broken stems?"

Watch documentary here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2802311361701974260

Nice website if you are new to this here: http://www.swirlednews.com/crop.asp

How are they made with no aerial view?

Why is each strand bent at a 90 degree angle? :-o

How are they made so quickly? There have been reported cases of intricate designs appearing in no more than 15 minutes.

Even more fascinating is what happens to the crops grown within the circle.... and plenty more to learn if your boat is floating.

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