James Tapscott - The Arcs (2009)
“My current body of work explores the link between matter and energy, a fusion of subjective and objective reality, and the effect our perception has on the world around us. My works are non-objective, functioning as a conduit between the observer and the environment, to facilitate communication. By using simple and elegant forms of light, I seek to create a balance between a ritualistic artistic process and the natural phenomena around me.”
Δευτέρα 19 Νοεμβρίου 2012
The Arcs (2009)
Τετάρτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2012
A glimpse into the heart of a dying star
A glimpse into the heart of a dying starThis image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows the young planetary nebula Henize 3-401. Hubble’s extraordinary vision reveals that it is one of the most elongated planetary nebulae found so far. The image shows two very long cylindrical outflows with intricate thread-like structures and tattered ends. We are seeing the central star responsible for the beautiful display for the first time in this image. Henize 3-401 is located in the constellation of Carina (the Keel) at an approximate distance of 10 000 light-years. This picture is composed of three exposures obtained with Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on 12 June 1997. The three exposures were taken through a wide orange filter (1200 seconds) shown in blue, a hydrogen-alpha filter (400 seconds) shown in red, and a singly ionised sulphur filter (1200 seconds) shown in green.Credit:European Space Agency and Pedro Garcma-Lario (ESA ISO Data Centre)
Πέμπτη 8 Νοεμβρίου 2012
The Plumed basilisk
The Plumed basilisk , Basiliscus plumifrons, also called a green basilisk, double crested basilisk, or Jesus Christ lizard, is a species of corytophanid to Latin America.Its natural range covers a swath from Mexico to Ecuador The plumed basilisk’s generic name Basiliscus is taken from the legendary reptilian creature of European mythology which could turn a man to stone by its gaze: the Basilisk.This name derives from the Greek basilískos (βασιλίσκος) meaning “little king”. This epithet was given in Carolus Linnaeus’ 10th edition of Systema Naturae.(more) / Emerald basilisk and Basiliscus plumifrons.
Σάββατο 20 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Wandering Stars
Wandering StarsTo ancient astronomers, the stars seemed fixed, moving across the sky during the night but always in fixed constellations—except for five bright points that appeared to wander among the stars. In the geocentric model of the solar system, where everything orbits the Earth, the paths of these five seemed strange, with several even backtracking and looping around in a retrograde motion. Today, we know that our solar system is heliocentric and all planets orbit the sun, so the retrograde motions are only perspective issues, but the ancient names for the planets remain. The Greeks called them ‘planets’, meaning wanderers, and the five were originally named after Roman deities: Mercury, messenger of the gods, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, Mars, the god of war, Jupiter, king of the gods, and Saturn, father of Jupiter and god of agriculture.
Παρασκευή 12 Οκτωβρίου 2012
9 Ayurvedic Rules for Eating
9 Ayurvedic Rules for Eating
- Eat only when you are hungry. As in really hungry — that is to say, when your previous meal has been completely digested. Sometime we might think that we are hungry, however, it could only be that we are dehydrated. Be in tune with your body and re-discover how it feels to be really hungry.
- Eat in a calm and comfortable place. Sit down when you eat and eat with as little distraction as possible: no tv, no book, no phone, no laptop…
- Eat the right quantity. We are all different, with different needs and different stomach size and metabolic speed. Listen to your body and eat only to point when you feel satisfied.
- Eat warm meals. Ideally freshly cooked but as long as you avoid anything coming out straight from the fridge you’ll preserve your digestive power (Agni). This allows your digestive enzymes to work efficiently.
- Eat quality food. Make sure that your meal is juicy or a little oily as this will facilitate digestion and improve nutrient absorption. Avoid foods which are too dry.
- Do not eat incompatible food items together. This might lead to an upset stomach. Here are some food combinations that you should avoid.
- Be present when you eat. Use all your 5 senses. Take time to appreciate the smell of your meal, the look of your plate, the texture of your food, the different flavors, and the sounds that you make when you eat.
- Don’t eat fast. Don’t just swallow your food, take your time to chew. Chewing is an essential step of digestion.
- Eat at regular time. Nature likes cycles and regularity so you should abide!
the keys to your soul
There are two doors in the heart, an entrance and an exit. If you have only the exit open, and not the entrance, it simply means that you are willing to give love, but too afraid to receive it. Fear is the lock that has been placed on this door by your mind.If you have the entrance open, but have closed the exit, it means that you are fully accepting of receiving love, but not willing to give it. Mainly fear, but also ignorance, are the locks that have been placed on this door by your mind.
Now imagine for a moment that you were somehow able to open both of these locks. Meaning you were willing and able to both give and receive love. What would happen? What would change?
The divine flux, as I call it, would be initiated. Energy would no longer accumulate in the mind, would no longer get channeled only into the ego, nor would it leave you feeling empty and cold after you’ve given it all away. Instead, it would flow freely through you, animating you, supplying you with endless love, and endless compassion; as well as endless strength, and endless wisdom. What you give would be returned to you ten-fold, so long as you are willing and able to receive it, and thus a beautiful cycle would begin. This flux can save your life. It can open you to the love that exists and flows all around you. In the air, in the water; in the earth, and in the light. Even in the hearts of those who have hurt you. It can empower you to reach out to others, and to teach them how to heal themselves; to share with them your knowledge of the divine flux, and how to initiate it.
Just remember, if the mind can place these locks on the heart, then it can also remove them. Your mind preserves all the keys to your soul, just in case it decides to change.
Δευτέρα 1 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Pyramids under the waters
Pyramids under the waters near Cuba were discovered by two scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. They found the ruins of ancient buildings about a mile below the seaThey found a written language engraved on the stones.
Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and symbols that was identical to those on the waterfront structures below.
the two scientists used submarines to locate and explore these pyramid structures
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately took control in order that it will not come to Soviet hands. Or so the story goes …
A whistleblower from the army, that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recovering objects and instruments
This area in Cuba has not been above water in more than 10,000 years…
Κυριακή 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
The Essence of the One
The Essence of the One, animates everything and everyone, it is the only part that is Real, the only part that is ALive!In the mind there is illusion, as it believes I am this and that, in the Heart the Truth silently Lives on!
When all of the parts align and shine the Truth of the Heart, the being becomes a Conscious Portal of the Essence of the One!
After a while, the lines between the Portal and the Essence Vanish as well, and here there is only the One! ღ♫*¨`*•.. ¸ƸӜƷ ✿♥
Σάββατο 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
The Black Eye Galaxy, otherwise known as Messier 64 or the Evil Eye galaxy is a merged star system formed from the collision from two galaxies. It was first catalogues by the French astronomer Messier in the 18th century. It is located in the northern constellation Coma Berenices and is about 17 million light years from Earth. There is a dark band of absorbing dust in front of th e galaxy’s nucleus, giving rise to the nicknames.
Like most galaxies, all of the stars of M64 are rotating in the same direction; however the interstellar gas in the outer regions of M64 rotates in the opposite direction from the gas and stars in the inner regions. In the shear region where the oppositely rotating gases collide and compress there is active formation of new stars. The blue stars visible are hot and young; there are also pink clouds of glowing hydrogen that fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light from these newly formed stars.
The gas that is rotating oppositely probably arose when M64 absorbed a satellite galaxy that collided with it, maybe more than one billion years ago. The small galaxy has been almost completely destroyed, but evidence of the collision remains in the backward motion of the gas at the outer edge of M64.
This image was obtained with Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). The colour image is a composite, prepared by the Hubble Heritage Team from pictures taken through four different colour filters. The filters isolate blue and near infrared light, as well as red light emitted by hydrogen atoms and
green light from Strömgren y.
Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI)
Πέμπτη 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
food compnies using monsanto's products
Monsanto, for those who are unaware, is the company that basically controls our entire Food Industry. They are the ones taking the shortcuts, focusing on shelf-life and profit, over our health and nutrition. These are a few of the brands they represent. Just something to keep in mind next time you’re shopping for groceries.MONSANTO IS THE DEVIL INCARNATE.
Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
pyramids of Giza
The 3 pyramids of Giza Astronomically aligned with Orions belt.In Ancient Egypt this was done by a Sacred Ceremony called stretching the cord.
Δευτέρα 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Today’s Energy is filled with contrasts
September 24 - Today’s Energy is filled with contrasts. It is light and dense, heavy and gentle, depressed and joy filled. There is no constancy to it, and it is ever changing as we move from 3D to 4D and back again. We do not know how we will feel from moment to moment as we move up and down, back and forth. The energies are so chaotic that we don’t know where we are, what we are doing or what to expect. Many of us have been going through a dark night of the soul, with depression, sadness and grief. Others are seeing all their dreams coming true, and filled with love, joy and expectancy. The Ego has risen to the surface, with intense ‘Spiritual Snobbery’ and attacks on others. The Earth is shifting under our feet causing us to feel that nothing is solid. We are dizzy and off balanced, causing falls. Sunday, the Sun fired off a huge Solar Flare, which was facing away from us. Even though it was not a direct hit, many of us had headaches and back pain as a result. Those of us who are very sensitive feel it even when not Earth directed. The Earth facing side of the Sun is showing only slight activity and the Solar Winds are quiet. The Earth continues to move with a Quake swarm in the Virgin Islands. There were several 6+ Quakes over the weekend, which were later dropped significantly in size. I guess ‘they’ think we will show less fear if we do not know the true size and number of Earthquakes. 5.5 Quakes are listed in Tonga and Mariana Islands. There have also been Quakes in Philippines, Ascension Island and Mid Atlantic Ridge. HAARP in the US is showing slight activity. There are reports of headache, Third Eye pain, neck pain, jaw pain, pressure in head, vision issues, seeing and hearing other dimensions, throat issues, throat pain, ear pain, itchy ears, back pain, chest pain, changes in blood pressure, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle cramps, muscles twitching, very loud ear noises, allergies, asthma, itching skin, dry skin, diet changes, dizziness, feeling unbalanced, fuzzy headedness, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, moodiness, angry outbursts, menstrual issues, fatigue, insomnia, strange dreams, vivid dreams and of course, exhaustion. Animals are very clingy and needy. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Emergen C or Coconut water is good for balancing the Electrolytes. Taking 1/2 Teaspoon of Sea Salt will help with integrating the intense energies and support our Adrenal Glands. Baths or showers will help to cool off the excess heat. Potassium will help with muscle cramps. Eat lots of raw foods for energy. Use the Energetic Clearing Techniquehttp://www.askclaudia.com/energeticclearingtechnique.htm to heal any physical or emotional issues.These daily reports are written for those of us who are Earth Sensitives. Before we were born, our Souls made contracts and agreements to assist the Earth and humanity in this transition. It is not necessarily how I am feeling personally, I am just reporting on the energies. The fact that we feel pain does not mean we are not aware, awake or that we are of lower vibrations. In fact, most of us are from the Angelic Realm, with extremely high vibrations, and assisting in the releasing of density from the Earth and humanity causes us to experience the pain. In many instances, we are experiencing pain so that others don’t have to, so if you are lucky enough not to feel the changes, we are probably feeling them for you so you don’t have to. Changing our focus or pretending that all is ‘Love and Light’ will not stop us from experiencing the symptoms. If these reports do not resonate with you, you do not have to read them. It is not necessary to respond with how wonderful you feel, how much more spiritual you are than us or how easy it would be for us to move through this if we were only as spiritual as you. That only serves to intensify our pain. It would be more beneficial if you show us unconditional Love instead. - Claudia McNeely - Divine Empowerment
Κυριακή 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Electron waves being shot past a tiny toroidal magnet.
the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Predicted by theorists Yakir Aharonov and David Bohm in 1959, the effect is a phenomenon where electrons can be affected by electromagnetic potentials without coming in contact with actual force fields.“It’s what is called ‘action-at-distance,’” said Batelaan, an associate professor of physics and astronomy. “An example of action-at-a-distance would be that you push with your finger in mid-air one foot above your table and a book that is lying on the desk moves. That would be weird — and so is any action-at-a-distance phenomenon.”picture: Electron waves being shot past a tiny toroidal magnet.
Natural Wonders
From the Department of Awesome Natural Wonders come these mysterious patterns on the ocean floor off the southern coast of Japan. Japanese scuba diver and photographer Yoji Ookata, who has spent the last 50 years exploring and documenting his underwater discoveries off the coast of Japan, spotted these beautiful and puzzling patterns in the sand, nearly six feet in diameter and 80 feet below sea level, during a dive near Amami Oshima at the southern tip of the country.So what happened next? Are these rippling geometric patterns the equivalent of crop circles on the seafloor? Not quite, but the answer is still a good one. Colossal explains:“He soon returned with colleagues and a television crew from the nature program NHK to document the origins what he dubbed the “mystery circle.”Using underwater cameras the team discovered the artist is a small puffer fish only a few inches in length that swims tirelessly through the day and night to create these vast organic sculptures using the gesture of a single fin. Through careful observation the team found the circles serve a variety of crucial ecological functions, the most important of which is to attract mates. Apparently the female fish are attracted to the hills and valleys within the sand and traverse them carefully to discover the male fish where the pair eventually lay eggs at the circle’s center, the grooves later acting as a natural buffer to ocean currents that protect the delicate offspring. Scientists also learned that the more ridges contained within the sculpture resulted in a much greater likelihood of the fish pairing. To learn more about the circles check out the full scoop over on Spoon and Tamago, and you can see two high resolution desktop photos courtesy of NHK here.”Busy little pufferfish boys wooing potential mates by sculpting the sand with their bodies. As far as we’re concerned, that’s pretty awesome!
golden age of the gods
Zept TepiThe ancient Egyptians had a concept they called the Zep Tepi(First Time), meaning the primordial golden age of the gods. According to the Egyptians’ own legends, the dynastic Egyptians enjoyed the exceptionally advanced technologies and mystical systems , which were actually the legacy of that older culture, which ended by a fierce catatstrophe. So, the Egyptians never claimed to be the first peoples to inhabit Egypt, and moreover, they never claimed to of built the Great Pyramid, Sphinx, or the Osirion.The Edfu building texts have the history of the Zep Tepi etched in heiroglyphs, as it was passed down among the ancient priesthood. The texts describe a temple surrounded by a possibly man-made channel of water with a nearby field of reeds. This is called the Island of the Egg, and it is associated with the point of First Creation, or the Island of the Twin Flames. It is most probable that, this island was actually Atlantis..the lost continent.The Shemsu-Hor( “Followers of Horus”), semi-divine beings who ruled pre-dynastic Egypt and, eventually by the Horus-kings of the First Dynasty circa 3100 BC. The ancient historian Manetho described a period before the rise of Menes, first king of the First Dynastic period in Egypt. The first rulers were the gods themselves, particularly Horus. Herodotus records that 11,340 years have passed since the reign of the first Pharaoh, and it is likely that this first Pharaoh was included among the Shemsu-Hor, who were recognized as being demi-divine like the later Horus-kings. Circa 3100 BC, Hor-Aha (Menes), united the Upper and Lower Egypt initiating the First Dynastic Period.
Σάββατο 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
solar power
This is the Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant in Andalucía, Spain, which is a type of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant. It works by reflecting sunlight off of heliostats (sun-tracking mirrors, basically) onto a tower where salts are heated. These heated salts are then used to create steam, which in turn runs a turbine that generates electricity. It is also capable of producing electricity day and night thanks to a salt storage system that can keep the turbine going for 16 hours. For more, watch this video.Having never even heard of this type of solar power plant until just the other week, I feel like I just took a leap into a future I didn’t even know existed. My mind = blown. And not only is this a really ingenious way of harnessing solar power, the whole thing just looks incredible too. Yay for environmentally-friendly energy without it looking like a complete and uttereyesore.
Awareness is all there is.
“Awareness is all there is.You can’t say it comes from anywhere, because it is all that there is. We talk about non-duality. It is never born; it never dies. It is just unceasing. It is constantly and ever and all that there is. Yet, it is no thing that can be grasped in any way, shape or form. It has no beginning and no end, no time, no space. All those things appear in it. They are all things.And things can’t grasp what to the thing is no thing. It can’t grasp it. It is just like asking ‘where does space come from?’ when you ask ‘where does awareness come from?’ Can you find a centre to space? Can you find a circumference to space? Can you postulate anything outside of space? What would it be in? It must be in space! It is the same with awareness. It is everywhere. It is every ‘when’. It is all times and all places.”
So What Is a Fractal, Anyway?
So What Is a Fractal, Anyway?It is my firm conviction that mathematics underpins everything in the universe. Mathematics was intrinsically designed to explain the world; Newton invented differential and integral calculus, for example, to explain why the orbits of the planets were in the shape of an ellipse. Understanding the mathematics behind phenomena will not make them any less beautiful; it will make them more beautiful in that the complexity of our world is better understood and appreciated.To put it simply, fractals are self-similar and have an unusual relationship with space - kind of like the ‘It’s Complicated’ relationship status on Facebook. Self-similar, in this case, means that fractals have something called irreducible complexity: No matter how far you “zoom in” to a fractal pattern, the structure will be exactly or approximately similar to the fractal itself. In order to understand a fractal’s unusual relationship with space, however, we’re going to need to consider the concept ofdimensions.Dimensions, in their simplicity, are a very interesting mathematical concept. What, for example, makes a line one-dimensional, and a plane two-dimensional? Note that lines and planes are both self-similar, as outlined by the definition above. The differences actually lie in their self-similarity; a line can be broken down into N self-similar pieces, each with a magnification factor of N; a plane can be broken down into N^2 similar pieces, each with a magnification factor N; and a cube into N^3 pieces, with the same magnification factor N. A magnification factor will be defined here as the amount you have to “zoom in” to regain the original structure.Therefore, dimensions of self-similar objects are simply the exponent of the number of self-similar pieces with magnification factor N into which the figure may be broken. So the line segment mentioned before exists in one dimension; the plane in two dimensions; and the cube in three dimensions. Not too bad, right?Well, here’s the complicated part. Fractals can exist in non-integer dimensions.For example, we can consider the Sierpinski Triangle, which looks like this:If we accept our original ideas about dimensions to be valid, then thedimension of the Sierpinski Triangle - which, by our definition, exhibits a fractal pattern - would be governed by:Fractals have an “unusual relationship with space” because they - as shown by the Sierpinski Triangle - can exist in non-integer dimensions. Amazing, right?The three bottom images above are taken from the Mandelbrot Set - which has a topological dimension of 2 (meaning that it’s visualised, and pictured, in two dimensions) but has a fractal dimension that’s much more complex. Fractals from the Mandelbrot set - and other fractal patterns - are found throughout nature, including in the growth patterns of bacteria at the top of this post! Other examples include unfurling ferns, and the inside of certain types of seashells. It’s even been shown that the small motions of our eyes follow a fractal pattern - which is why we find things that exist in a fractal pattern aesthetically pleasing.Next time you see a fractal pattern, remember that it doesn’t just exist topologically as you see it - it’s fractal dimension could be 1.58, or 1.7!The maths behind fractal images are just as beautiful as the images themselves. In fact, in my opinion they enhance the beauty of the images my eye naturally finds aesthetically pleasing.Images: The top two images shown are of bacteria cultures exhibiting fractal growth due to environmental stress. The bottom three images are from the Mandelbrot Set.
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