Δευτέρα 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Today’s Energy is filled with contrasts

September 24 - Today’s Energy is filled with contrasts. It is light and dense, heavy and gentle, depressed and joy filled. There is no constancy to it, and it is ever changing as we move from 3D to 4D and back again. We do not know how we will feel from moment to moment as we move up and down, back and forth. The energies are so chaotic that we don’t know where we are, what we are doing or what to expect. Many of us have been going through a dark night of the soul, with depression, sadness and grief. Others are seeing all their dreams coming true, and filled with love, joy and expectancy. The Ego has risen to the surface, with intense ‘Spiritual Snobbery’ and attacks on others. The Earth is shifting under our feet causing us to feel that nothing is solid. We are dizzy and off balanced, causing falls. Sunday, the Sun fired off a huge Solar Flare, which was facing away from us. Even though it was not a direct hit, many of us had headaches and back pain as a result. Those of us who are very sensitive feel it even when not Earth directed. The Earth facing side of the Sun is showing only slight activity and the Solar Winds are quiet. The Earth continues to move with a Quake swarm in the Virgin Islands. There were several 6+ Quakes over the weekend, which were later dropped significantly in size. I guess ‘they’ think we will show less fear if we do not know the true size and number of Earthquakes. 5.5 Quakes are listed in Tonga and Mariana Islands. There have also been Quakes in Philippines, Ascension Island and Mid Atlantic Ridge. HAARP in the US is showing slight activity. There are reports of headache, Third Eye pain, neck pain, jaw pain, pressure in head, vision issues, seeing and hearing other dimensions, throat issues, throat pain, ear pain, itchy ears, back pain, chest pain, changes in blood pressure, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle cramps, muscles twitching, very loud ear noises, allergies, asthma, itching skin, dry skin, diet changes, dizziness, feeling unbalanced, fuzzy headedness, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, moodiness, angry outbursts, menstrual issues, fatigue, insomnia, strange dreams, vivid dreams and of course, exhaustion. Animals are very clingy and needy. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Emergen C or Coconut water is good for balancing the Electrolytes. Taking 1/2 Teaspoon of Sea Salt will help with integrating the intense energies and support our Adrenal Glands. Baths or showers will help to cool off the excess heat. Potassium will help with muscle cramps. Eat lots of raw foods for energy. Use the Energetic Clearing Techniquehttp://www.askclaudia.com/energeticclearingtechnique.htm to heal any physical or emotional issues.
These daily reports are written for those of us who are Earth Sensitives. Before we were born, our Souls made contracts and agreements to assist the Earth and humanity in this transition. It is not necessarily how I am feeling personally, I am just reporting on the energies. The fact that we feel pain does not mean we are not aware, awake or that we are of lower vibrations. In fact, most of us are from the Angelic Realm, with extremely high vibrations, and assisting in the releasing of density from the Earth and humanity causes us to experience the pain. In many instances, we are experiencing pain so that others don’t have to, so if you are lucky enough not to feel the changes, we are probably feeling them for you so you don’t have to. Changing our focus or pretending that all is ‘Love and Light’ will not stop us from experiencing the symptoms. If these reports do not resonate with you, you do not have to read them. It is not necessary to respond with how wonderful you feel, how much more spiritual you are than us or how easy it would be for us to move through this if we were only as spiritual as you. That only serves to intensify our pain. It would be more beneficial if you show us unconditional Love instead. - Claudia McNeely - Divine Empowerment

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