Παρασκευή 31 Αυγούστου 2012
Τρίτη 28 Αυγούστου 2012
The Crop Circle Mystery
The Crop Circle Mystery
The most widely accepted theory on how crop circles are formed, involves people stomping down upon a board that is attached to the feet.
When you research this phenomenon yourself, you will learn that there are many more questions that cannot be answered by this theory.
This is a quote from a crop circles documentary, Unsigned Circles:
"So What energy systems could possibly interact with oats, barley, wheat, rice and so forth around the planet and have crops stand, go down, cross sometimes 5 or 6 times at 90 degree angles and still lift up crop at the bottom of multiple layers, and not find broken stems?"
Watch documentary here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2802311361701974260
Nice website if you are new to this here: http://www.swirlednews.com/crop.asp
How are they made with no aerial view?
Why is each strand bent at a 90 degree angle? :-o
How are they made so quickly? There have been reported cases of intricate designs appearing in no more than 15 minutes.
Even more fascinating is what happens to the crops grown within the circle.... and plenty more to learn if your boat is floating.
This is a quote from a crop circles documentary, Unsigned Circles:
"So What energy systems could possibly interact with oats, barley, wheat, rice and so forth around the planet and have crops stand, go down, cross sometimes 5 or 6 times at 90 degree angles and still lift up crop at the bottom of multiple layers, and not find broken stems?"
Watch documentary here: http://video.google.com/
Nice website if you are new to this here: http://www.swirlednews.com/
How are they made with no aerial view?
Why is each strand bent at a 90 degree angle? :-o
How are they made so quickly? There have been reported cases of intricate designs appearing in no more than 15 minutes.
Even more fascinating is what happens to the crops grown within the circle.... and plenty more to learn if your boat is floating.
Δευτέρα 27 Αυγούστου 2012
SaLuSa - 27 August 2012
SaLuSa - 27 August 2012
Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness. You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go wherever your desires take you.
Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.
Dear Ones the point is that as you become more of the Light your attention is drawn to the harmonious things in life, and as you progress it does become easier to maintain your peace and calmness. That is you becoming more in alignment with your Higher Self, which is your ultimate objective. What you were is not the real you, and duality is not your true reality. It is all an illusion that has been created by you all since you dropped down into the lower vibrations. Since then you have had your highs and lows, but as the Human Race you have never reached such a point as now, where every soul has the opportunity to ascend.
Before you reach the 21st. December many opportunities will be given to those who are unaware of what is coming. Also to those who have decided that they have no interest in leaving your present Earth, so that they have no regrets afterwards. As we have told you previously whatever decision you make is upheld, and what is most important is that you proceed with your evolution at a level that is exactly right for you. So when you reach that stage after Ascension and realize that some people known to you have not ascended, it should not be a time of sadness. In some cases you may later choose to work with them by acting as a Guide, so your link with them will still be quite strong.
With relatively little time left before the closure of this cycle, there is much taking place and all will be prepared in time for it. As you now understand, most of it relates to various forms of cleansing, and the removal of those dark Ones and their power and influence, that is now breaking up. There is no way back for them and much about their operations is coming into the public knowledge. It is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past. It goes back a very long time from when the negative energies were first attracted to Earth. You have in fact carried out a great service for the Universe by helping transmute them, often at great cost to yourselves.
Set yourselves free from the lower influences and stand up for you beliefs, because as the truth comes out you may have to explain your position. It is not however necessary to convince others that you carry the truth, or convert them to your ideas. When people are ready for it, it will be recognized for what it is, and much of what has stood for the truth is now being revealed, and it will make people re-access their beliefs. Before very long the Masters will return to Earth, and with those already here will ensure that the false teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.
Just think for a moment how as visitors to your Earth we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you, and stealing your lands. We are described as aliens when in fact we are your true family, and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger. Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light.
We know that many of you who read our comments already understand our position. You are our vanguard and there will come a time when your knowledge will be invaluable to us. We cannot be everywhere at once, and you will be on hand to answer the questions from those who are new to the whole idea of Ascension. It is quite something to grasp and accept, particularly as the idea of the end of time has a connotation of losing everything you own and are familiar with. It can be a frightening thought, but is acceptable once it is understood that it is but a new beginning. One that propels you into a wonderful realm of peace and harmony, where you can forget all of your worries. In truth you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with my love for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness. You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go wherever your desires take you.
Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.
Dear Ones the point is that as you become more of the Light your attention is drawn to the harmonious things in life, and as you progress it does become easier to maintain your peace and calmness. That is you becoming more in alignment with your Higher Self, which is your ultimate objective. What you were is not the real you, and duality is not your true reality. It is all an illusion that has been created by you all since you dropped down into the lower vibrations. Since then you have had your highs and lows, but as the Human Race you have never reached such a point as now, where every soul has the opportunity to ascend.
Before you reach the 21st. December many opportunities will be given to those who are unaware of what is coming. Also to those who have decided that they have no interest in leaving your present Earth, so that they have no regrets afterwards. As we have told you previously whatever decision you make is upheld, and what is most important is that you proceed with your evolution at a level that is exactly right for you. So when you reach that stage after Ascension and realize that some people known to you have not ascended, it should not be a time of sadness. In some cases you may later choose to work with them by acting as a Guide, so your link with them will still be quite strong.
With relatively little time left before the closure of this cycle, there is much taking place and all will be prepared in time for it. As you now understand, most of it relates to various forms of cleansing, and the removal of those dark Ones and their power and influence, that is now breaking up. There is no way back for them and much about their operations is coming into the public knowledge. It is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past. It goes back a very long time from when the negative energies were first attracted to Earth. You have in fact carried out a great service for the Universe by helping transmute them, often at great cost to yourselves.
Set yourselves free from the lower influences and stand up for you beliefs, because as the truth comes out you may have to explain your position. It is not however necessary to convince others that you carry the truth, or convert them to your ideas. When people are ready for it, it will be recognized for what it is, and much of what has stood for the truth is now being revealed, and it will make people re-access their beliefs. Before very long the Masters will return to Earth, and with those already here will ensure that the false teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.
Just think for a moment how as visitors to your Earth we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you, and stealing your lands. We are described as aliens when in fact we are your true family, and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger. Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light.
We know that many of you who read our comments already understand our position. You are our vanguard and there will come a time when your knowledge will be invaluable to us. We cannot be everywhere at once, and you will be on hand to answer the questions from those who are new to the whole idea of Ascension. It is quite something to grasp and accept, particularly as the idea of the end of time has a connotation of losing everything you own and are familiar with. It can be a frightening thought, but is acceptable once it is understood that it is but a new beginning. One that propels you into a wonderful realm of peace and harmony, where you can forget all of your worries. In truth you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with my love for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Τετάρτη 22 Αυγούστου 2012
UFO Sighting in Arizona on August 20th 2012 - would move up and down, around and in and out of clouds. Green in color, could not have been a remote control plane.(To high) observed for approx 5 minutes before a helicopter showed up and seemed to move toward it.The light receded to east.
I am a trained amateur astronomer and avid sky watcher.I Went outside on my back porch at about 7:30 August 20th to check on monsoon cloud developement.The sun had set and the sky was darkening.I looked to the east and Noticed a bright bluish green light lazily moving up and down near storm clouds.It seemed to move rather like a roller coaster car,slowly up then a quicker descent(but not free fall).Sometimes it would move laterally a bit and then the up and down movement again.During these curvy dips sometimes it would dim or vanish before quickly brightening again.I interpreted it to be an interaction with the clouds but can not be certain of that.. After about 5 minutes a helicopter shows up (I can not say for certain it was connected to light.) The helicopter appeared to move toward the light which then seemed to quickly recede into the east and out of sight.The helecopter also continued to move in that direction until I could not see it. I did not have time to break out my telescope but did look thru a 10X pair of binoculars.The light had no apparent details and was ball shaped.
SaLuSa, August 22, 2012
You can be sure that there is nothing to worry about where the dark Ones are concerned, because we have aborted many of their attempts to cause trouble. We have contained their activities for some time now and intend to keep doing so. They are staring into the abyss of oblivion and there is no escape for them. Their empire is slowly crumbling and there is no way back for them. We do however closely monitor some individuals who of their own accord still exercise authority over their minions. On all fronts our allies are making good progress, and many issues could well be finalized by the end of this month. Meanwhile you are awakening at much quicker pace, and your awareness is another reason that the Light is ever increasing in its power.
With your comprehension of what is taking place behind the scenes, we are pleased to note that there is less concern about the delays in making our activities public knowledge. You now know that the path to your Ascension is progressing as intended, and anything else is by comparison less important. You will in good time learn the truth about the agenda of the dark Ones, and more to your liking details of the wonderful life that lies ahead of you. Many of you are already quite knowledgeable, but nevertheless there is much that can be added that will give the complete picture. We will not however dwell upon the negative as such matters will be destined for the history books of your civilization, and available for your deeper consideration in the Akashic Records. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in its original detail, and any part of it can be re-lived if that is your desire.
We know that waiting for significant events that you expect any day now can be tedious, but you will have your day of satisfaction and excitement. You can after all see evidence around you of the changes, and even more is going on that is not apparent. The arrests of corrupt officials is spreading, and some are already fleeing and trying to avoid the consequences. It does not matter what steps they take to avoid justice, in reality there is nowhere to hide. So please do not waste your energy by becoming angry at the individuals concerned. Your future is far more important than theirs, and that is where your focus should be. It is not that you will be unable to fit in immediately, but the whole experience will be much more exciting and understandable.
As you enter the final weeks we will give you more details of how to prepare yourself for the changes that Ascension will bring. However there is nothing that will cause you any distress or inconvenience. It will be like stepping out of the Dark Ages into a dreamland where everything is set up for your enjoyment and happiness. It will not be complete and some changes will still be required, but you will have had all aspects of lives present drudgery removed so that it becomes most enjoyable. There is so little time left and that is still speeding up, so try to keep your attention on the great future that awaits you. It will be well beyond anything you can imagine, and perhaps you will consider that your personal changes will be the most acceptable.
To move from your present physical body to one that is of the higher vibrations will be a wonderful feeling. To be free of all of the aches and pains often associated with your present one, will be so uplifting. The level that you will move into has such high vibrations, that your body will be unable to carry forward anything less than the perfection of your original blueprint. Your awareness will be heightened and your perception of things sharpened. The body will no longer tire or suffer fatigue such as you do now, and consequently you will no longer need lengthy sleep periods. You can take recuperative measures if you need them, but will also re-energize from the very environment you are in.
Your present low vibrations and those around you are in fact very heavy, and you need sleep to restore your body. However, as your body cells continue to change to crystalline, your body will become more in line with its new pattern. As a result it will start to need shorter sleep periods to recover, and some of you are noticing it already. In fact sleep patterns will move out of a regular pattern, and you will find yourself able to exist on much less. A similar change is also occurring where your eating habits are concerned. You are needing less and your choice of food will turn to those that are fresh, and unadulterated with chemicals and additives.
Your body is a temple that when treated correctly will serve you well, and rarely if ever experience illnesses. If you feed it with junk food you end up with junk health even if it takes time to reveal itself. You may be young and healthy, but continual abuse of your body will eventually take its toll. In older age you are liable to get the collapse of your major organs, and it is will be hard for them to recover. The good news is that as you lift up your vibrations, you are less inclined to be drawn to the heavy foods such as red meat. Follow your bodies reactions to what you feed it, and you will soon learn how to treat it sensibly and to your advantage.
Think about what you want out of life, and know that you will find more happiness and satisfaction when you are looking after yourself correctly. It also goes as far as what you occupy your mind with, as some of you follow unhealthy paths that simply pull your vibrations down. That in turn attracts similar vibrations and you are likely to drop even further, thus damaging any chance you may have had of lifting up in time for Ascension. We know that some souls just do not seem to care what happens to them, and clearly they need a lot of help. As we have often reminded you, no matter what circumstances you are in there is always help nearby. So please ask for it and it will come to you in some form or another, but do not necessarily expect it immediately.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that all of you have had so many lives on Earth, you should by now be able to benefit from your experiences. Go within and listen to your Higher Self and you will get good advice, but it needs to be heeded if you are to lift yourself up. On the one hand time is short, but you still have sufficient time to make a resolution to change and become what you really are, a beautiful soul of unlimited love. We wish you well.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Τετάρτη 15 Αυγούστου 2012
Michael channeled by Ron Head ~ August 13, 2012
Michael channeled by Ron Head ~ August 13, 2012
Pay attention to how you think about yourself now. The selves you create from this point will be affected more and more obviously by your thoughts and feelings about yourselves. Take advantage of this, why don’t you? Create the self you truly wish to be. Begin taking control of your own lives. Now you will see why it is so important for you to love you. We do not mean greedy self-centeredness. We mean appreciation for who and what you are.
Celebrate yourselves. Use your imagination as a tool. Be the you that you want to be. Let fall away those things of the past that you do not want to carry with you. This is possible for you now. In fact, it is necessary.
Δευτέρα 13 Αυγούστου 2012
SaLuSa, August 13, 2012
SaLuSa, August 13, 2012
The Olympics have closed without any incident although the dark Ones had other ideas. A great spectacle that proved to be an occasion when nations were brought together, has bonded people and proved that as a species you can live side by side in peace. The positive energy generated has linked with the Light all around the world, and moved you another step forward nearer to Ascension. With a period of intense Light about to commence, it will build upon what already exists and your levels of consciousness will noticeably expand. Dear Ones you are clearly on the way to Ascension and the only person who can stop your progress is you. As you are becoming immune to the lower energies, we see a glorious path ahead taking you straight to the next dimension. There is no reason to look back as there is so much to look forward to.
Regardless of what happens around you bear in mind that your own progress continues to go forward, and nothing will stop you reaching Ascension. However, we have our responsibilities to you, and are hastening various actions that will put in place the bridge that will carry you into the New Age. There are certain goals that we have such as Disclosure, that will create the conditions that are necessary for us to lift you up. For the present we have to bide our time as with all such life changing revelations, it is always necessary to take the most appropriate opportunity to go ahead. However, we will confirm again, that any delay in the announcement of Disclosure will not hold back your progress.
We made an appearance at the Olympics albeit it was nothing extraordinary bearing in mind how frequently we are now seen in your skies. Full Disclosure will in fact be the last straw for the Illuminati, as it will reveal the great extent to which they have carried out their cover-up, even to the depth of getting rid of people who have threatened to give up their secrets. Furthermore, it links in with their own development of Space Craft which would also become common knowledge. When it becomes known it will bring about the most astonishing revelations about their Space Program, and the immense secrecy that has meant that you have been denied the results of their trips to the Moon and Mars.
As the truth comes out it will also force the Government and Military authorities to come clean about their frequent contact with ET's, whilst denying to you that they have ever been made. For example the real facts about the Roswell crash have become general knowledge, but you still know little about what happened to the ET's that were involved. So Disclosure is such an important issue we do not take it too lightly to say the least, and when we hold back from our intentions, it is with very good reasons. The whole matter is one that has reached into so many areas of your life. Back engineering of crashed craft has in many ways benefitted you, but conversely it has been secretly developed for use against you through military applications. There is also the misuse of your countries wealth to fund extraordinarily secret massive projects, mostly to increase the power of the Illuminati and their control over you.
We are still taking matters into our own hands, but perhaps you will now understand what is involved and that it is no small matter for us or any high official to announce Disclosure. It will put an end to black operations that have often been directed at other countries, with a view to causing dissent and civil war. These are the weapons of those who care little for you and your lives, having an agenda to reduce the world population. This evil has penetrated deeply within your society and the truth cannot be kept secret for much longer. The end of tyranny and those responsible looms large, and we and our allies are working exceptionally hard to bring a successful conclusion to our intent to bring the truth out.
The difference now and for the period leading up to the present is that we were pressing for an official announcement of Disclosure. We rightly believed that it would carry more weight than if it came from us, and we still prefer that course of action. After all you know we are here with you, and bit by bit paths are opening that are leading to Disclosure which is inevitable in view of the pressure being applied on your Leaders. So we ask that you allow events to occur as they are best revealed in a way that will benefit all people. There obviously comes a point where certain facts have to be brought out, and if some people are unprepared for them it will not be for the want of trying to get them ready. The whole process of enlightenment about us and our presence has been going on for many years, and virtually all of you have grown up through the Space Age and become familiar with it.
As the truth of your reality dawns upon people they will seek answers, and it is where the Lightworkers can excel by explaining what is happening. Even for those already enlightened there are sources of even greater knowledge, and these are emerging now. If you are ready for them, you can be assured that your Guides will arrange that you are in some way led to them. They are as you might say, your unsung heroes seeking no recognition for their service to you. If however you do have an awareness of their presence, they do appreciate an acknowledgment of what they have done for you. In life you have what you call so many coincidences that prove beneficial to you. They are inevitably behind them, and sometimes they involve a matter of life or death. However, we must not forget that your Angels also look after you, and if necessary can perform "miracles" if that is what is required.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our activities have brought you to a relatively peaceful period in your lives. We intend that it shall continue in that way, and eventually we will take action to ensure that permanent peace is established upon Earth. We wish to remove those aspects of your lives that will have no place in the higher dimensions. That forms part of the cleansing that has already commenced and will get into full swing very soon. All the Galactic Federation of Light needs is co-operation from your authorities so that our work is officially recognized. That could be the first part of Disclosure that will allow us a greater contact with you that we still intend to pursue.
Thank you SaLuSa. Regardless of what happens around you bear in mind that your own progress continues to go forward, and nothing will stop you reaching Ascension. However, we have our responsibilities to you, and are hastening various actions that will put in place the bridge that will carry you into the New Age. There are certain goals that we have such as Disclosure, that will create the conditions that are necessary for us to lift you up. For the present we have to bide our time as with all such life changing revelations, it is always necessary to take the most appropriate opportunity to go ahead. However, we will confirm again, that any delay in the announcement of Disclosure will not hold back your progress.
We made an appearance at the Olympics albeit it was nothing extraordinary bearing in mind how frequently we are now seen in your skies. Full Disclosure will in fact be the last straw for the Illuminati, as it will reveal the great extent to which they have carried out their cover-up, even to the depth of getting rid of people who have threatened to give up their secrets. Furthermore, it links in with their own development of Space Craft which would also become common knowledge. When it becomes known it will bring about the most astonishing revelations about their Space Program, and the immense secrecy that has meant that you have been denied the results of their trips to the Moon and Mars.
As the truth comes out it will also force the Government and Military authorities to come clean about their frequent contact with ET's, whilst denying to you that they have ever been made. For example the real facts about the Roswell crash have become general knowledge, but you still know little about what happened to the ET's that were involved. So Disclosure is such an important issue we do not take it too lightly to say the least, and when we hold back from our intentions, it is with very good reasons. The whole matter is one that has reached into so many areas of your life. Back engineering of crashed craft has in many ways benefitted you, but conversely it has been secretly developed for use against you through military applications. There is also the misuse of your countries wealth to fund extraordinarily secret massive projects, mostly to increase the power of the Illuminati and their control over you.
We are still taking matters into our own hands, but perhaps you will now understand what is involved and that it is no small matter for us or any high official to announce Disclosure. It will put an end to black operations that have often been directed at other countries, with a view to causing dissent and civil war. These are the weapons of those who care little for you and your lives, having an agenda to reduce the world population. This evil has penetrated deeply within your society and the truth cannot be kept secret for much longer. The end of tyranny and those responsible looms large, and we and our allies are working exceptionally hard to bring a successful conclusion to our intent to bring the truth out.
The difference now and for the period leading up to the present is that we were pressing for an official announcement of Disclosure. We rightly believed that it would carry more weight than if it came from us, and we still prefer that course of action. After all you know we are here with you, and bit by bit paths are opening that are leading to Disclosure which is inevitable in view of the pressure being applied on your Leaders. So we ask that you allow events to occur as they are best revealed in a way that will benefit all people. There obviously comes a point where certain facts have to be brought out, and if some people are unprepared for them it will not be for the want of trying to get them ready. The whole process of enlightenment about us and our presence has been going on for many years, and virtually all of you have grown up through the Space Age and become familiar with it.
As the truth of your reality dawns upon people they will seek answers, and it is where the Lightworkers can excel by explaining what is happening. Even for those already enlightened there are sources of even greater knowledge, and these are emerging now. If you are ready for them, you can be assured that your Guides will arrange that you are in some way led to them. They are as you might say, your unsung heroes seeking no recognition for their service to you. If however you do have an awareness of their presence, they do appreciate an acknowledgment of what they have done for you. In life you have what you call so many coincidences that prove beneficial to you. They are inevitably behind them, and sometimes they involve a matter of life or death. However, we must not forget that your Angels also look after you, and if necessary can perform "miracles" if that is what is required.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our activities have brought you to a relatively peaceful period in your lives. We intend that it shall continue in that way, and eventually we will take action to ensure that permanent peace is established upon Earth. We wish to remove those aspects of your lives that will have no place in the higher dimensions. That forms part of the cleansing that has already commenced and will get into full swing very soon. All the Galactic Federation of Light needs is co-operation from your authorities so that our work is officially recognized. That could be the first part of Disclosure that will allow us a greater contact with you that we still intend to pursue.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Κυριακή 12 Αυγούστου 2012
* Focus Your Energy on the + *
* Focus Your Energy on the + *
Energies have kicked up. DMT levels in your pineal have expanded several fold. You own personal manifestations are happening at a quicker rate. In turn, you must look after the input your mind is recieving of images and messages. This means ignoring posts that are negative. It is of upmost importance you taker control back of what is influencing your moods/projections. Imagine this. Were all dreaming, Say on a lucid trip, And you are accepting and agreeing to negative images or posts while your essentially 'tripping' ...how would it effect this entire hologram if we were to all agree with negative input? Discern and bombard your self with POSITIVE images, Words, Friends, Situations. If your going to dream , Dream beautiful and loving things into your life. Center and balance your self Much Love ♥ ~ Anna Welr
Παρασκευή 10 Αυγούστου 2012
SaLuSa, August 10, 2012
SaLuSa, August 10, 2012
The energies around you are speeding to new heights, and those of you that are sensitive to them will feel a great upliftment. It will continue all the way to Ascension, by which time you will be fully ready to ascend. The incredible journey you have made through duality with hundreds of lives is about to come to a conclusion. Every soul is being given the opportunity to leave it behind, and it is preferable to have prepared yourself for Ascension. Many have led their lives with a good intentions to others, and often described as having hearts of gold. They too will be lifted up as Ascension has nothing directly to do with religion, although some devout souls will be of a godly demeanor.
Many times we have referred to all of you as One, and when you can accept that it is so and treat all others as you would yourself, you are well on the Path of Light. The dark Ones have forsaken their Light to promote greed instead of sharing, indifference to other souls, problems instead of compassion and love. They have created enemies where none exist, and demonized religions so that they are at each others throats. When you can see through their deliberate plan to create chaos, you will be able to disengage from their energies and cast your Light into the dark areas to transmute them.
Create a situation around you that uplifts your energies, by only attracting all that is good and pure. That includes what you read, the music you listen to and what you enjoy that gives you pleasure in life. For example many films and T.V. shows are deliberately made to disturb you, and fill your minds with negative action and images. They are intended to program you with conditions that gradually take away your sense of what is right or wrong. It is so that you become insensitive to killing and destruction, and do not object when it becomes your reality. How will you find peace within and without, if your mind is being continually assaulted by such negative images. Be more selective and enjoy the things in life that dwell on happiness, joy and love.
For too long you have been subjected to all kinds of negativity until it almost becomes acceptable. That of course was the intent of the dark Ones, but they cannot impose it upon you unless you allow it. You do not necessarily have to involve yourself by opposing them, but instead promote a life style that is intended to lead you to the Light and lift you up way beyond their lower energies. It can be done, but does require willpower and the ability to stand up for your principles. You do not have to go along with the crowd just to be sociable, but can establish your own code of behavior.
Dear Ones we do not preach at you, as in the end you take responsibility for your actions. What we do is to guide you to achieve a happy and fulfilling life, so that you naturally move on to the path of Ascension. You do not have to be a Saint, but live your highest interpretation of what living a good life means. It does not mean going to extremes, but just do what you can to live in the Light and help your fellow travelers. If you could all do it what a wonderful place the world would be, and it is no pipe dream as with Ascension your dreams will come true far beyond your imagination.
As time has passed and your understanding has grown, it has naturally resulted in more questions coming to mind. Quite obviously you want more details as you begin to accept that Ascension does mean a dramatic change in your circumstances. We know that the more information that can be given the greater will be the ease with which you will complete your journey. Although the end time leads to a new beginning, we fully understand that you want to be adequately prepared. To that end I have made it known to Michael, that you should be sent a copy of Steve Beckow's interview of A.A. Michael through Linda Dillon on the 6th. August. It is a fairly comprehensive explanation of what Ascension entails, and is explicit in detail so that it can be fully understood. (I will send the article immediately following the sending of this message).
The exact path that will lead to Ascension is still unclear, because quite a few events are being compressed into a much shorter time period than we had hoped. So please take it as it comes, knowing that by the time it is necessary, you will be fully prepared and will have moved forward as required. There are many aspects to Disclosure which hold the key to much that we want to go ahead with, and it is an official acknowledgement of our presence that is the most important to us. There are millions of people that now believe in our existence and you have had almost 70 years in which to reach your decision. Now more than ever we are seen daily in your skies, and we deliberately position ourselves where many more people are likely to see us.
What is not generally known is that we have kept the world at peace insofar that we have prevented another World War from being started. We have also prevented nuclear weapons being used for quite a number of years. Finally, and more recently, we have prevented false flag attacks that were setup to start major confrontations. Naturally your Governments and Military do not want to be forced into a position where they have to admit to such actions, and they fear the consequences of doing so. However, it must happen soon and we are stoking up the pressure upon them to admit their contact with us, and so allow us to openly move amongst you. Some still believe we are intending to take you over, but that looks to be an extraordinary suggestion, as if we had why would we wait until now. We see this idea as resulting from many years of negative publicity to show us as monsters waiting to invade you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will point out that we are ascended Beings as are all member Star Nations of the Galactic Federation. Unless there are some false accounts of our contact with you, there are no instances known to us that would show any form of hostility against you. Please do not confuse us with the Greys who have been responsible for the abductions, and remember that they were invited to Earth by the U.S. Government based upon an exchange of information beneficial to both parties. Bless you all Dear Ones, and as ever keep your eyes on the grand future that awaits you.
Thank you SaLuSa. Many times we have referred to all of you as One, and when you can accept that it is so and treat all others as you would yourself, you are well on the Path of Light. The dark Ones have forsaken their Light to promote greed instead of sharing, indifference to other souls, problems instead of compassion and love. They have created enemies where none exist, and demonized religions so that they are at each others throats. When you can see through their deliberate plan to create chaos, you will be able to disengage from their energies and cast your Light into the dark areas to transmute them.
Create a situation around you that uplifts your energies, by only attracting all that is good and pure. That includes what you read, the music you listen to and what you enjoy that gives you pleasure in life. For example many films and T.V. shows are deliberately made to disturb you, and fill your minds with negative action and images. They are intended to program you with conditions that gradually take away your sense of what is right or wrong. It is so that you become insensitive to killing and destruction, and do not object when it becomes your reality. How will you find peace within and without, if your mind is being continually assaulted by such negative images. Be more selective and enjoy the things in life that dwell on happiness, joy and love.
For too long you have been subjected to all kinds of negativity until it almost becomes acceptable. That of course was the intent of the dark Ones, but they cannot impose it upon you unless you allow it. You do not necessarily have to involve yourself by opposing them, but instead promote a life style that is intended to lead you to the Light and lift you up way beyond their lower energies. It can be done, but does require willpower and the ability to stand up for your principles. You do not have to go along with the crowd just to be sociable, but can establish your own code of behavior.
Dear Ones we do not preach at you, as in the end you take responsibility for your actions. What we do is to guide you to achieve a happy and fulfilling life, so that you naturally move on to the path of Ascension. You do not have to be a Saint, but live your highest interpretation of what living a good life means. It does not mean going to extremes, but just do what you can to live in the Light and help your fellow travelers. If you could all do it what a wonderful place the world would be, and it is no pipe dream as with Ascension your dreams will come true far beyond your imagination.
As time has passed and your understanding has grown, it has naturally resulted in more questions coming to mind. Quite obviously you want more details as you begin to accept that Ascension does mean a dramatic change in your circumstances. We know that the more information that can be given the greater will be the ease with which you will complete your journey. Although the end time leads to a new beginning, we fully understand that you want to be adequately prepared. To that end I have made it known to Michael, that you should be sent a copy of Steve Beckow's interview of A.A. Michael through Linda Dillon on the 6th. August. It is a fairly comprehensive explanation of what Ascension entails, and is explicit in detail so that it can be fully understood. (I will send the article immediately following the sending of this message).
The exact path that will lead to Ascension is still unclear, because quite a few events are being compressed into a much shorter time period than we had hoped. So please take it as it comes, knowing that by the time it is necessary, you will be fully prepared and will have moved forward as required. There are many aspects to Disclosure which hold the key to much that we want to go ahead with, and it is an official acknowledgement of our presence that is the most important to us. There are millions of people that now believe in our existence and you have had almost 70 years in which to reach your decision. Now more than ever we are seen daily in your skies, and we deliberately position ourselves where many more people are likely to see us.
What is not generally known is that we have kept the world at peace insofar that we have prevented another World War from being started. We have also prevented nuclear weapons being used for quite a number of years. Finally, and more recently, we have prevented false flag attacks that were setup to start major confrontations. Naturally your Governments and Military do not want to be forced into a position where they have to admit to such actions, and they fear the consequences of doing so. However, it must happen soon and we are stoking up the pressure upon them to admit their contact with us, and so allow us to openly move amongst you. Some still believe we are intending to take you over, but that looks to be an extraordinary suggestion, as if we had why would we wait until now. We see this idea as resulting from many years of negative publicity to show us as monsters waiting to invade you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will point out that we are ascended Beings as are all member Star Nations of the Galactic Federation. Unless there are some false accounts of our contact with you, there are no instances known to us that would show any form of hostility against you. Please do not confuse us with the Greys who have been responsible for the abductions, and remember that they were invited to Earth by the U.S. Government based upon an exchange of information beneficial to both parties. Bless you all Dear Ones, and as ever keep your eyes on the grand future that awaits you.
Mike Quinsey.
Πέμπτη 9 Αυγούστου 2012
The Truth: Beyond Illusions
The Truth: Beyond Illusions
The truth is that we in the Higher Dimensions have watched patiently as humans have explored duality and control and given away their power as part of their evolution. We have waited patiently until you were ready to accept the inevitable truth of who you are and to release the illusions and fears that have kept you limited and disempowered. For, in truth, you are Eternal and Infinite Beings of Light who take Material Form in order to explore the material dimensions and create within them. You are part of the One Family of Light, and you all seek to grow and evolve in the best way possible.
Maybe you considered duality and disempowerment a way to grow ‑ but we think that you are now ready to release the limitations and conflicts and return to the consciousness of Unity and Oneness and Love. Accepting that you are Children of One Planet, and that you all seek the same goals of peace, security, and growth, will enable
you to begin to pierce the veil of inherited illusions and find the Unity and the Oneness and the Love.
Taking on a state of Consciousness where you acknowledge that you are Powerful and Creative and a part of the Divine Essence of All That Is, is known as "Christ Consciousness". The promised "Second Coming of Christ" comes to you when each of you awakens to Who You Are. You carry the seed of the Christ consciousness within you, and when you awaken it opens like a Golden Flower of Love. The truth is that You are the Christed Ones, or the Crystal Ones. That is the message that your New Children, the Crystal or Christed Children bring to you. You are Homo Christos…the new Humans who will create the New Earth. That is the Truth of Who You Are when you Awaken, Dearest Ones. Let your children lead you into this reality, for in truth it requires the deep innocence of the child to awaken to this wonderful perspective of who you are. You have no need to give your power away to those who make claims that they have the Christ energy, for indeed it is the right of each one of you to claim the "Christ Consciousness" at this time of the Lion's Gate.
Taking on a state of Consciousness where you acknowledge that you are Powerful and Creative and a part of the Divine Essence of All That Is, is known as "Christ Consciousness". The promised "Second Coming of Christ" comes to you when each of you awakens to Who You Are. You carry the seed of the Christ consciousness within you, and when you awaken it opens like a Golden Flower of Love. The truth is that You are the Christed Ones, or the Crystal Ones. That is the message that your New Children, the Crystal or Christed Children bring to you. You are Homo Christos…the new Humans who will create the New Earth. That is the Truth of Who You Are when you Awaken, Dearest Ones. Let your children lead you into this reality, for in truth it requires the deep innocence of the child to awaken to this wonderful perspective of who you are. You have no need to give your power away to those who make claims that they have the Christ energy, for indeed it is the right of each one of you to claim the "Christ Consciousness" at this time of the Lion's Gate.
SaLuSa, August 8, 2012
We wish to make this special message in view of the amount of publicity that is associated with the Olympic Games, and the possibility of Disclosure. It is creating an enormous amount of goodwill by bringing the people together as never before. The benefits ripple out all across the world and help overcome the prejudice created and played upon by the dark Ones. People power is as relevant as ever if not more so, as you are awakening to your real potential as the powerful Beings you really are. What you focus upon is where you place your energy, and you are winning the battle for the Light in this way. Keep away from the negative messages and do not let them pull you down.
We feel this is the time to explain how there is gain from your focus upon the 4th. August and the period that the Olympic Games are held. When a possible date is given for the changes you have been promised and are anticipating, it is understandable that you are excited and place your whole attention upon it. You have been in this position several times only to be disappointed, but few of you realize that there is lasting value in what you have achieved. The thoughts, prayers and desire you send out for a specific purpose, create a pool of powerful energy that provides the conditions for its manifestation.
So even when the result is not what you have focused upon, you have helped bring it that much nearer to fruition. So perhaps you will understand that when we see the potential for strengthening the Light upon Earth, we will not cast doubt upon what you are doing but even encourage you to do so. For example the idea of the 4th. August being a special day, was born out of rumours circulating for quite some time that suggested that the dark Ones were themselves proposing to use the Olympics for a false flag attack.
We anticipated your thoughts that saw a way of countering such an idea, and rather than discourage you we stood aside to allow you free expression. By doing so in short time large numbers of Lightworkers shared the same desire for Disclosure to come out in some form or another, during the Olympic Games. That created a great aura of Light around them and offset the intentions of the dark Ones, and made it more difficult for them to succeed. So do you understand why we would not interfere, or try to distract you from what you were doing.
What we knew about it did not matter, because your actions were serving a grand purpose even if you were unaware of it. In reality if sufficient numbers of you were all focusing on the same outcome, you could achieve a positive result. We would not pre-judge it or tell you it could not be done, as that would sway you in a way that could prevent it from happening. So what we are saying now about the Olympic Games, is keep your positive focus upon it knowing that it will put a Light barrier in place for its protection. Anything more that is achieved will be wonderful, but whatever you do it will take you a step nearer to Disclosure.
There was of course a Space Craft present when the opening ceremony was taking place, and it was intended to be seen as a way of showing that we were there. It received little coverage but millions of people observed it, and it will be another positive step forward to bringing pressure to bear upon the Governments to acknowledge our presence. We are pushing for such action, and our allies are putting pressure upon the authorities to respond. Dear Ones you know it will come, so please go with the flow and do not make the job of Lightworkers any harder than it is already.
We are aware that quite a number of sources are creating fear by spreading the idea that a false flag attack is imminent, but by doing so they give the dark Ones the precise energy they feed off. We do have Divine authority to intervene and whilst there may be an attempt to frighten people with a fake alien attack, nuclear devices will not be allowed to be used. We shall be ready to assess any attempt of the Illuminati to cause trouble, and that is all we are prepared to comment on for now. These closing months of the cycle of duality are not for the benefit of the dark Ones, but for you who have applied yourselves to the disciplines required to ascend. It is your time to take charge of your future and we will see that it finishes that way.
We also know that another attempt is being made that will possibly lead to Disclosure, and it is a preferable alternative to what we have in mind. We have always informed you that we wanted you to be seen to be at the front of such actions, but we cannot give you details at present as we do not want to prejudice what is in course of taking place. There are other developments that may also bring Disclosure about, and it is already general knowledge that Steven Greer has made a film that will also bring about a move to bring about full Disclosure.
So Dear Ones the pressure is on those who can authorize Disclosure to make it happen, and it cannot be held back much longer. So please do not think that if it does not happen as you expect, that it represents some kind of failure. Much is going on that requires good faith in us, knowing that all of the time we are working for your release from the dark Ones. Also remember that we have a far greater view of what is taking place on Earth, and move according to the opportunities that present themselves. We ask that you allow us to decide what is in your best interests, and wholeheartedly support us. Anything less is not helpful to the cause or goal to get you firmly on the path to Ascension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we do commend you for your dedicated work by helping the changes through. You have achieved so much in a comparatively short time, and have only to look back to the beginning of this century to see how true that is. Do not waver now and be on your guard for the last attempts by those who oppose the changes, and try to carry on imposing the old ways upon you. There are changes occurring faster than ever, but some are monumental in size and cannot happen overnight. Do your part and we will do ours, and together we are victorious. I close with Love for you our brothers and sisters from the stars.
Thank you SaLuSa. We feel this is the time to explain how there is gain from your focus upon the 4th. August and the period that the Olympic Games are held. When a possible date is given for the changes you have been promised and are anticipating, it is understandable that you are excited and place your whole attention upon it. You have been in this position several times only to be disappointed, but few of you realize that there is lasting value in what you have achieved. The thoughts, prayers and desire you send out for a specific purpose, create a pool of powerful energy that provides the conditions for its manifestation.
So even when the result is not what you have focused upon, you have helped bring it that much nearer to fruition. So perhaps you will understand that when we see the potential for strengthening the Light upon Earth, we will not cast doubt upon what you are doing but even encourage you to do so. For example the idea of the 4th. August being a special day, was born out of rumours circulating for quite some time that suggested that the dark Ones were themselves proposing to use the Olympics for a false flag attack.
We anticipated your thoughts that saw a way of countering such an idea, and rather than discourage you we stood aside to allow you free expression. By doing so in short time large numbers of Lightworkers shared the same desire for Disclosure to come out in some form or another, during the Olympic Games. That created a great aura of Light around them and offset the intentions of the dark Ones, and made it more difficult for them to succeed. So do you understand why we would not interfere, or try to distract you from what you were doing.
What we knew about it did not matter, because your actions were serving a grand purpose even if you were unaware of it. In reality if sufficient numbers of you were all focusing on the same outcome, you could achieve a positive result. We would not pre-judge it or tell you it could not be done, as that would sway you in a way that could prevent it from happening. So what we are saying now about the Olympic Games, is keep your positive focus upon it knowing that it will put a Light barrier in place for its protection. Anything more that is achieved will be wonderful, but whatever you do it will take you a step nearer to Disclosure.
There was of course a Space Craft present when the opening ceremony was taking place, and it was intended to be seen as a way of showing that we were there. It received little coverage but millions of people observed it, and it will be another positive step forward to bringing pressure to bear upon the Governments to acknowledge our presence. We are pushing for such action, and our allies are putting pressure upon the authorities to respond. Dear Ones you know it will come, so please go with the flow and do not make the job of Lightworkers any harder than it is already.
We are aware that quite a number of sources are creating fear by spreading the idea that a false flag attack is imminent, but by doing so they give the dark Ones the precise energy they feed off. We do have Divine authority to intervene and whilst there may be an attempt to frighten people with a fake alien attack, nuclear devices will not be allowed to be used. We shall be ready to assess any attempt of the Illuminati to cause trouble, and that is all we are prepared to comment on for now. These closing months of the cycle of duality are not for the benefit of the dark Ones, but for you who have applied yourselves to the disciplines required to ascend. It is your time to take charge of your future and we will see that it finishes that way.
We also know that another attempt is being made that will possibly lead to Disclosure, and it is a preferable alternative to what we have in mind. We have always informed you that we wanted you to be seen to be at the front of such actions, but we cannot give you details at present as we do not want to prejudice what is in course of taking place. There are other developments that may also bring Disclosure about, and it is already general knowledge that Steven Greer has made a film that will also bring about a move to bring about full Disclosure.
So Dear Ones the pressure is on those who can authorize Disclosure to make it happen, and it cannot be held back much longer. So please do not think that if it does not happen as you expect, that it represents some kind of failure. Much is going on that requires good faith in us, knowing that all of the time we are working for your release from the dark Ones. Also remember that we have a far greater view of what is taking place on Earth, and move according to the opportunities that present themselves. We ask that you allow us to decide what is in your best interests, and wholeheartedly support us. Anything less is not helpful to the cause or goal to get you firmly on the path to Ascension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we do commend you for your dedicated work by helping the changes through. You have achieved so much in a comparatively short time, and have only to look back to the beginning of this century to see how true that is. Do not waver now and be on your guard for the last attempts by those who oppose the changes, and try to carry on imposing the old ways upon you. There are changes occurring faster than ever, but some are monumental in size and cannot happen overnight. Do your part and we will do ours, and together we are victorious. I close with Love for you our brothers and sisters from the stars.
Mike Quinsey.
Τετάρτη 8 Αυγούστου 2012
Aloneness ~ Osho
Aloneness ~ Osho
When you are alone you are not alone, you are simply lonely - and there is a tremendous difference between loneliness and aloneness. When you are lonely you are thinking of the other, you are missing the other.
Loneliness is a negative state. You are feeling that it would have been better if the other were there - your friend, your wife, your mother, your beloved, your husband. It would have been good if the other were there, but the other is not. Loneliness is absence of the other.
Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence, overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody.
When there is no "significant other" in our lives we can either be lonely, or enjoy the freedom that solitude brings. When we find no support among others for our deeply felt truths, we can either feel isolated and bitter, or celebrate the fact that our vision is strong enough even to survive the powerful human need for the approval of family, friends or colleagues.
If you are facing such a situation now, be aware of how you are choosing to view your "aloneness" and take responsibility for the choice you have made.
The humble figure in this card glows with a light that emanates from within. One of Gautam Buddha's most significant contributions to the spiritual life of humankind was to insist to his disciples, "Be a light unto yourself." Ultimately, each of us must develop within ourselves the capacity to make our way through the darkness without any companions, maps or guide.
Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence, overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody.
When there is no "significant other" in our lives we can either be lonely, or enjoy the freedom that solitude brings. When we find no support among others for our deeply felt truths, we can either feel isolated and bitter, or celebrate the fact that our vision is strong enough even to survive the powerful human need for the approval of family, friends or colleagues.
If you are facing such a situation now, be aware of how you are choosing to view your "aloneness" and take responsibility for the choice you have made.
The humble figure in this card glows with a light that emanates from within. One of Gautam Buddha's most significant contributions to the spiritual life of humankind was to insist to his disciples, "Be a light unto yourself." Ultimately, each of us must develop within ourselves the capacity to make our way through the darkness without any companions, maps or guide.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/7/12 ‘Fulfilling Your Assignments’
It is time to now put aside all the limiting distractions and confusions that are keeping you from reaching your goals and fulfilling your assignments at this time. We would like to see more of you participating in the events that you had shown such great interest in before you headed this way so long ago. Many of you were very interested in participating in these world changing plans and could not wait to get here and begin. What has changed for you? What has changed in your life that is now keeping you from doing what it is you so wanted to do?
We are here just as we had planned and had promised you. We did not forget our end of the bargain. Now that we are here we ask you to now participate and uphold your end of the bargain, but many of you do not heed this call and respond to your sworn duties, to your responsibilities to your mission in the name of your Creator, to your universe and to yourselves. Why is this so? What is it that is so interesting, so distracting, so mesmerizing, so time consuming that keeps you from fulfilling your oath to perform your duties to the best of your abilities at all times once you had been reminded or awakened to your divine mission in service to your planet, each other and to all of us throughout our universe? This is what we ask you today. We ask you, our brothers and sisters, could you explain to us just what it is that busies you so that keeps you from fulfilling the duties of your mission. We would like for those of you who are not participating either fully or partly to leave your comments beneath our message and tell us why it is that you are too busy, have changed your mind or are unwilling on any level to participate in our mission to restore love and light to this world that has fallen so deeply into darkness, a mission that’s success or failure will reverberate throughout this entire universe.
We will be reading all the comments beneath today’s message throughout your online communities. We are greatly interested in your responses, as we do not know and we cannot figure out why there are so few of you involved completely or even partially in our mission. There are so many more of you who have signed up for this mission than have responded. We cannot give you precise statistics on this, as many of you are participating fractionally or on a part time level and it is difficult to measure exactly how much these beings are participating and how much they are not participating. We do keep tabs on who it is that are doing what, please do not get us wrong. We clearly see and have taken note of all the work that each and every one of you are doing. What we are simply saying is it is difficult to surmise an exact figure in regards to how much work each of you are doing. We will just say that it is clear that some of you are doing far more work than others and some of you are doing none at all.
What we would like to see, of course, is all of you who have signed up for this mission to do a great deal of work, for that was the original contract that you agreed to. This is your mission, this is your only mission at this time, this is your only purpose, and we ask those of you who have a feeling that they are part of this mission, that they are part of us, the Galactic Federation of Light or one of the other galactic commands to drop what it is you're doing and find out by emerging yourself in our lightwork, in our efforts to alter the present course of this planet and her people. That is our task; that is our solemn oath that we all took before we said goodbye to each other and journeyed here in many different ways.
We see that many of you have found hobbies and interests that consume a great deal of your free time, and we do understand that many of you do not have a great deal of free time to begin with as so many of you must work so many hours to support yourselves and your families. We completely understand this, however, we wish to point out that the hours that you are working come as no surprise to you, as all of you had some sort of idea what you would be doing for a living. All of you had a peek, if you will, at the lives you would be living. This was part of the deal, and all of you were blessed with that opportunity, allowing you to choose just what kind of life would be most beneficial to you in many different ways, most importantly, what kind of life you would be living that would allow you to do the work that you signed up to do and what kind of experiences you would live through to strengthen your being and that would reward you with so much once your work here was done.
We see that many of you have learned many lessons throughout this lifetime and you are on the road to receiving many of the gifts and blessings that were possible for you at the end of this, your current incarnation. What is missing in this equation is the work that you assured us you would do throughout this lifetime, especially here at the very end when your participation is so greatly needed. We ask those of you who are reading these words and who feel we are speaking to you personally today to drop whatever it is that consumes your time, your interest, your focus and your energy and get to work. You all should know by now what it is you could or should be doing. There should be no mystery any longer.
You are Lightworkers. Light is information. You are information workers. Now is the time to get to work and create, share and make easily assessable information regarding the great Earth changes that are occurring and that are scheduled that will affect every man, woman and child on this planet. These changes are so large in scope and there are so many of them that you may begin, if you have not already, almost anywhere. You can begin by discussing with others at home, work, or throughout your online communities our seawall project that will safeguard many areas of coastline around the world in preparation for what will be, at least in some areas, rising sea levels due to earthquakes centered deep below the surface of your planet. This is not a very difficult task, is it dear ones? And it is very easy to get started.
You may also choose to assist us share the information of the presence of your star and soul families, your guides, your protectors and your friends of the Galactic Federation of Light and our brothers and sisters of the Ashtar Command who are also here, who are also your friends, soul families, star families, neighbors and guides. This is a very important assignment, as much depends upon the reception we receive from the people of this planet. We cannot force ourselves upon them, and although many of you reading these words are not only prepared but are very eager for our reunion and the day we walk your Earth amongst you, we say to you that you are a rarity indeed, you are the exception to the rule. There are many millions of people at this time on your planet who are not prepared at all, not only for our arrival, but even to learn that we exist, and for them to learn that we are here and in such large numbers with our large numbers of spacecraft is too much for many of these beings to handle.
What is called for, what is very much needed is a breaking of the ice time period, where this kind of information is made available to them in small increments. Landing our ships on the centerfield at your summer Olympic Games would be an incredible miscalculation of human nature and consciousness at this time. This was never part of our plan and never would be. Our plan has been and continues to be a plan where very small but increasing increments of information were to be made available to the people of your world, starting with a very small grassroots effort where our Lightworkers, small in numbers in the beginning as well, began to discuss openly and post through your online communities information about our existence, our presence here and our honorable intentions in love and service to our Creator and to you, who are our own brothers and sisters.
This was the plan many eons ago and remains firm the plan today. Having the news of our presence here in your skies broadcast through media outlets around your world all at the same time would cause havoc, would cause chaos. We can state this so confidently because we have been engaging in tests of the levels of human consciousness and their ability to accept the information about our presence here for quite some time and these tests continue to this very day, and we will report to you that the people of your planet are not ready for this kind of life shattering news. Please do not take this as bad news, for we will very shortly be making our presence known, but not globally through one great announcement or event, we wish to make this perfectly clear. For those of you waiting for one great Earth changing ‘shot heard round the world’ event, you will be greatly disappointed, as it is very clear this would shatter the fragile infrastructure of not only a world, but many of the beings within.
Please be patient with us as we are patient with you. We will, in time, slowly reveal ourselves and introduce ourselves to the people of your world, but this will be a slow and gradual process just as it has been. We must be very careful not to disturb too greatly the fragile human psyche that many of the people of this planet possess. This is all we will say about this matter today, but we will add that we have many projects planned with you and as many of you are beginning to surmise by now these projects cannot be concealed from the public of your world, at least in some cases, for very long. Many of you have begun to figure out that these projects will lead to a disclosure that will grow in size fairly quickly compared to the speed at which our mission in this regard has been moving up to this point. This would be accurate to say, and this will amount to the disclosure that so many of you seek, look forward to and work so hard on accomplishing today.
We say to those of you who are participating in your mission of light that your work is tremendously appreciated. We know who each and every one of you are and your work is not, and will never be, overlooked in any way. For all of you who have yet to begin your work, we say to you it is never too late to get in the game and all of the work that you will do will be greatly appreciated and will benefit our mission tremendously, and we say to you is it now the time that you began what it is you took an oath to do?
We look forward to reading your comments today, reminding you that what we are asking is what is it that interferes with your work, what is it that is consuming all of your free time, your energy and your focus, and acts as an obstacle to you in the fulfilling of the duties of your mission here in this world. We look forward to reading your responses, and we look so forward to speaking with you again very shortly. Until then, it is time for all of you to get in the game as the game is reaching its final period.
We are your teammates on our mission in love and in service to our Creator and our universe. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
Τρίτη 7 Αυγούστου 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/6/12
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/6/12
‘Ascension Baggage Check’
In time, all we have discussed with you will become clear and there will no longer be any confusion, mystery or unanswered questions leaving you searching for answers as you may be today. This is the way it must be for now. Please keep this in mind dear ones, that your journey is not over, it has not been completed by any stretch of the imagination. Many of you still have quite a few lessons to learn and a short time to learn them before the final exam papers must be handed in, to coin a phrase. If we of the Galactic commands stepped in now and handed you all the answers on a silver platter it would disrupt, curtail, end many of the lessons that many of you are in the midst of learning and experiencing.
Do you understand this? Do you understand that yes, we have many of the answers that you wish to be furnished with and we do hear your requests for these answers and we hear them quite often, but it is not our task and it is not our right to give you these answers, for these answers are not what will help you the most. It is your personal quest to discover the answers, the secrets, the treasures that await you. Do you understand this a little clearer now, that it is not the answers that are worth the most to you, it is your search for them that is the most valuable prize? Now that you understand this a little clearer we would suggest that many of you spend more time searching for these answers yourselves, rather than asking us to answer these questions you may have for you. This is all we have to say about this, dear ones, now let us move on to matters concerning your outer world.
In the process of our duties, we come across many new twists and turns, obstacles, difficulties and problems, but we never hesitate for a moment and we see each obstacle that presents itself as another wonderful opportunity to showcase our talents and our collective and individual wisdom and cleverness to overcome them. This is what we would like to see more of you do when a detour in the road arises causing you to temporarily alter your course and find a suitable means to navigate through or around an obstacle. We see many of you do just this, although what we suggest today is that more of you take a healthier attitude when problems arise, instead of the defeatist and negative attitude many of you allow to consume you when challenges present themselves to you. After all, most of these challenges have been created by you yourself before and even sometimes during this, your present incarnation, to offer you a challenge and an opportunity to rise above it testing your wit, your strength, your resolve, your drive, determination, courage, bravery, heart and imagination. For without these tests, you would not know where it is you stand and how far you have come on your journey.
These tests are necessary, these tests are very fruitful, these tests are very valuable to you in so many ways, and we say to you simply by changing your attitude just slightly and seeing these challenges as yet another blessed opportunity and gift for you will make it so much easier for you to begin to create an answer for each challenge, for your mindset will be completely different, it will be much more positive, allowing more positive energies to flow which will assist you greatly in leaping every hurdle. Do you understand this? Do you understand that with just a slight alteration in your perspective, many of the challenges and obstacles that present themselves to you can and will be so much more fluidly dealt with and overcome? We hope to see more of you begin to see these tests and challenges that may present themselves to you in this new light, as the benefits to seeing them in this sharper perspective are incalculable and will allow many of you to find adequate solutions to these challenges which will then allow you to move on to the next and then the next, and this is how real progress is made. For allowing yourselves to be stalled on one problem for too long is not beneficial to you and wastes so much of your valuable time, energy and focus.
As we have said, time is now running very short for many of you, and the time to resolve many of the challenges that have been laid out for you, many by you yourselves, is upon you. There are not too many tomorrows left to push back the completion of these smaller projects. Each of them must be adequately dealt with before you move on to newer challenges, perhaps higher dimensional challenges. Do you understand this? Do you understand that final exams, if you will, are commencing and there is no longer any time to fritter away, waste, barter or trade? It is now time to get busy, and we mean very busy. Many of you must make haste if you wish to ‘beat the deadline’, as you say, as the curtain is coming down on this performance and there will not be, as there cannot be, any extra time allotted for those of you who wish to exit this theater for a new show.
This is a very important matter, and we wish for all of you that are reading these words to take what we say about this today very seriously. We say to you examine what it is in your lives that you feel are aspects of yourselves that are not higher vibrational aspects of yourselves but are traits, habits, tendencies or addictions that are not conducive to higher dimensional living, and find a way to deal with them, to release them, to walk away, move on and leave them behind you where they now belong as they are no longer a welcomed part of your journey, if it is within the higher dimensional realms where you wish to travel.
Do you understand this? Do you understand that what we are saying is that a number of you who are reading these words and who have made it known that you wish for your journey to now take you beyond the limits of this 3rd dimensional reality into the higher realms of this universe are at the same time clutching heavy baggage that is weighing you down, making this trip an impossibility, an implausibility at this time? You must find a way to reach deep down inside and find the release handle that will drop these bags at your feet while you continue to move forward. Can you do this? Will you even try to do this is what we are asking you at this time.
Many of you have carefully planned out for yourselves certain tests that you made clear you wanted and needed to pass before you exited this lower dimensional reality. You made this very clear, and now here today some of these tests have remained unresolved. You yourself made it clear that if this were to be the case, that you were not prepared to exit this reality and wished to stay until these lessons were learned. We, your higher dimensional guides, friends and family cannot supersede your directives, your instructions, your orders, this is not our right, and we will not overstep our boundaries and do anything that it is you instructed us not to do. We cannot remove for you these obstacles, we cannot come to you and tell you exactly what it is that acts today to weigh you down, and we cannot supply you with the answers to these problems either. All of this is strictly up to you.
No one knows you better than you know yourself, although we do have a bird’s eye view of much that is transpiring in your world and in the lives of those who we are guides, but deep down inside no one knows the thought processes that are going through your mind on a daily basis, for this is your sacred sanctuary and we do not trespass on your domain. It is you and you alone who knows what is going on inside you, and it is you and you alone that must find a way to pinpoint these areas, to target these areas, these problems and to find a way to resolve them.
We will, as we always have, offer you all of our love, our support, our guidance, our wisdom and our understandings and we will help you in every way that we can, but we cannot do this work for you and we will not do this work for you. This work must be completed by you, as were your specific instructions and command. We wish for you the very best success in your efforts and say to you we will continue to offer you everything that it is we can and we will let you know if we see marked improvement in some of these areas. This is what we will do, and we will continue to offer you guidance where we can.
We are your guides of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
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