* Focus Your Energy on the + *
* Focus Your Energy on the + *
Energies have kicked up. DMT levels in your pineal have expanded several fold. You own personal manifestations are happening at a quicker rate. In turn, you must look after the input your mind is recieving of images and messages. This means ignoring posts that are negative. It is of upmost importance you taker control back of what is influencing your moods/projections. Imagine this. Were all dreaming, Say on a lucid trip, And you are accepting and agreeing to negative images or posts while your essentially 'tripping' ...how would it effect this entire hologram if we were to all agree with negative input? Discern and bombard your self with POSITIVE images, Words, Friends, Situations. If your going to dream , Dream beautiful and loving things into your life. Center and balance your self Much Love ♥ ~ Anna Welr
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