The Essence of the One, animates everything and everyone, it is the only part that is Real, the only part that is ALive!In the mind there is illusion, as it believes I am this and that, in the Heart the Truth silently Lives on!
When all of the parts align and shine the Truth of the Heart, the being becomes a Conscious Portal of the Essence of the One!
After a while, the lines between the Portal and the Essence Vanish as well, and here there is only the One! ღ♫*¨`*•.. ¸ƸӜƷ ✿♥
Κυριακή 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
The Essence of the One
Σάββατο 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
The Black Eye Galaxy, otherwise known as Messier 64 or the Evil Eye galaxy is a merged star system formed from the collision from two galaxies. It was first catalogues by the French astronomer Messier in the 18th century. It is located in the northern constellation Coma Berenices and is about 17 million light years from Earth. There is a dark band of absorbing dust in front of th e galaxy’s nucleus, giving rise to the nicknames.
Like most galaxies, all of the stars of M64 are rotating in the same direction; however the interstellar gas in the outer regions of M64 rotates in the opposite direction from the gas and stars in the inner regions. In the shear region where the oppositely rotating gases collide and compress there is active formation of new stars. The blue stars visible are hot and young; there are also pink clouds of glowing hydrogen that fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light from these newly formed stars.
The gas that is rotating oppositely probably arose when M64 absorbed a satellite galaxy that collided with it, maybe more than one billion years ago. The small galaxy has been almost completely destroyed, but evidence of the collision remains in the backward motion of the gas at the outer edge of M64.
This image was obtained with Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). The colour image is a composite, prepared by the Hubble Heritage Team from pictures taken through four different colour filters. The filters isolate blue and near infrared light, as well as red light emitted by hydrogen atoms and
green light from Strömgren y.
Image Credit: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI)
Πέμπτη 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
food compnies using monsanto's products
Monsanto, for those who are unaware, is the company that basically controls our entire Food Industry. They are the ones taking the shortcuts, focusing on shelf-life and profit, over our health and nutrition. These are a few of the brands they represent. Just something to keep in mind next time you’re shopping for groceries.MONSANTO IS THE DEVIL INCARNATE.
Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
pyramids of Giza
The 3 pyramids of Giza Astronomically aligned with Orions belt.In Ancient Egypt this was done by a Sacred Ceremony called stretching the cord.
Δευτέρα 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Today’s Energy is filled with contrasts
September 24 - Today’s Energy is filled with contrasts. It is light and dense, heavy and gentle, depressed and joy filled. There is no constancy to it, and it is ever changing as we move from 3D to 4D and back again. We do not know how we will feel from moment to moment as we move up and down, back and forth. The energies are so chaotic that we don’t know where we are, what we are doing or what to expect. Many of us have been going through a dark night of the soul, with depression, sadness and grief. Others are seeing all their dreams coming true, and filled with love, joy and expectancy. The Ego has risen to the surface, with intense ‘Spiritual Snobbery’ and attacks on others. The Earth is shifting under our feet causing us to feel that nothing is solid. We are dizzy and off balanced, causing falls. Sunday, the Sun fired off a huge Solar Flare, which was facing away from us. Even though it was not a direct hit, many of us had headaches and back pain as a result. Those of us who are very sensitive feel it even when not Earth directed. The Earth facing side of the Sun is showing only slight activity and the Solar Winds are quiet. The Earth continues to move with a Quake swarm in the Virgin Islands. There were several 6+ Quakes over the weekend, which were later dropped significantly in size. I guess ‘they’ think we will show less fear if we do not know the true size and number of Earthquakes. 5.5 Quakes are listed in Tonga and Mariana Islands. There have also been Quakes in Philippines, Ascension Island and Mid Atlantic Ridge. HAARP in the US is showing slight activity. There are reports of headache, Third Eye pain, neck pain, jaw pain, pressure in head, vision issues, seeing and hearing other dimensions, throat issues, throat pain, ear pain, itchy ears, back pain, chest pain, changes in blood pressure, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, joint pain, muscle pain, muscle cramps, muscles twitching, very loud ear noises, allergies, asthma, itching skin, dry skin, diet changes, dizziness, feeling unbalanced, fuzzy headedness, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, moodiness, angry outbursts, menstrual issues, fatigue, insomnia, strange dreams, vivid dreams and of course, exhaustion. Animals are very clingy and needy. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Emergen C or Coconut water is good for balancing the Electrolytes. Taking 1/2 Teaspoon of Sea Salt will help with integrating the intense energies and support our Adrenal Glands. Baths or showers will help to cool off the excess heat. Potassium will help with muscle cramps. Eat lots of raw foods for energy. Use the Energetic Clearing Technique to heal any physical or emotional issues.These daily reports are written for those of us who are Earth Sensitives. Before we were born, our Souls made contracts and agreements to assist the Earth and humanity in this transition. It is not necessarily how I am feeling personally, I am just reporting on the energies. The fact that we feel pain does not mean we are not aware, awake or that we are of lower vibrations. In fact, most of us are from the Angelic Realm, with extremely high vibrations, and assisting in the releasing of density from the Earth and humanity causes us to experience the pain. In many instances, we are experiencing pain so that others don’t have to, so if you are lucky enough not to feel the changes, we are probably feeling them for you so you don’t have to. Changing our focus or pretending that all is ‘Love and Light’ will not stop us from experiencing the symptoms. If these reports do not resonate with you, you do not have to read them. It is not necessary to respond with how wonderful you feel, how much more spiritual you are than us or how easy it would be for us to move through this if we were only as spiritual as you. That only serves to intensify our pain. It would be more beneficial if you show us unconditional Love instead. - Claudia McNeely - Divine Empowerment
Κυριακή 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Electron waves being shot past a tiny toroidal magnet.
the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Predicted by theorists Yakir Aharonov and David Bohm in 1959, the effect is a phenomenon where electrons can be affected by electromagnetic potentials without coming in contact with actual force fields.“It’s what is called ‘action-at-distance,’” said Batelaan, an associate professor of physics and astronomy. “An example of action-at-a-distance would be that you push with your finger in mid-air one foot above your table and a book that is lying on the desk moves. That would be weird — and so is any action-at-a-distance phenomenon.”picture: Electron waves being shot past a tiny toroidal magnet.
Natural Wonders
From the Department of Awesome Natural Wonders come these mysterious patterns on the ocean floor off the southern coast of Japan. Japanese scuba diver and photographer Yoji Ookata, who has spent the last 50 years exploring and documenting his underwater discoveries off the coast of Japan, spotted these beautiful and puzzling patterns in the sand, nearly six feet in diameter and 80 feet below sea level, during a dive near Amami Oshima at the southern tip of the country.So what happened next? Are these rippling geometric patterns the equivalent of crop circles on the seafloor? Not quite, but the answer is still a good one. Colossal explains:“He soon returned with colleagues and a television crew from the nature program NHK to document the origins what he dubbed the “mystery circle.”Using underwater cameras the team discovered the artist is a small puffer fish only a few inches in length that swims tirelessly through the day and night to create these vast organic sculptures using the gesture of a single fin. Through careful observation the team found the circles serve a variety of crucial ecological functions, the most important of which is to attract mates. Apparently the female fish are attracted to the hills and valleys within the sand and traverse them carefully to discover the male fish where the pair eventually lay eggs at the circle’s center, the grooves later acting as a natural buffer to ocean currents that protect the delicate offspring. Scientists also learned that the more ridges contained within the sculpture resulted in a much greater likelihood of the fish pairing. To learn more about the circles check out the full scoop over on Spoon and Tamago, and you can see two high resolution desktop photos courtesy of NHK here.”Busy little pufferfish boys wooing potential mates by sculpting the sand with their bodies. As far as we’re concerned, that’s pretty awesome!
golden age of the gods
Zept TepiThe ancient Egyptians had a concept they called the Zep Tepi(First Time), meaning the primordial golden age of the gods. According to the Egyptians’ own legends, the dynastic Egyptians enjoyed the exceptionally advanced technologies and mystical systems , which were actually the legacy of that older culture, which ended by a fierce catatstrophe. So, the Egyptians never claimed to be the first peoples to inhabit Egypt, and moreover, they never claimed to of built the Great Pyramid, Sphinx, or the Osirion.The Edfu building texts have the history of the Zep Tepi etched in heiroglyphs, as it was passed down among the ancient priesthood. The texts describe a temple surrounded by a possibly man-made channel of water with a nearby field of reeds. This is called the Island of the Egg, and it is associated with the point of First Creation, or the Island of the Twin Flames. It is most probable that, this island was actually Atlantis..the lost continent.The Shemsu-Hor( “Followers of Horus”), semi-divine beings who ruled pre-dynastic Egypt and, eventually by the Horus-kings of the First Dynasty circa 3100 BC. The ancient historian Manetho described a period before the rise of Menes, first king of the First Dynastic period in Egypt. The first rulers were the gods themselves, particularly Horus. Herodotus records that 11,340 years have passed since the reign of the first Pharaoh, and it is likely that this first Pharaoh was included among the Shemsu-Hor, who were recognized as being demi-divine like the later Horus-kings. Circa 3100 BC, Hor-Aha (Menes), united the Upper and Lower Egypt initiating the First Dynastic Period.
Σάββατο 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
solar power
This is the Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant in Andalucía, Spain, which is a type of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant. It works by reflecting sunlight off of heliostats (sun-tracking mirrors, basically) onto a tower where salts are heated. These heated salts are then used to create steam, which in turn runs a turbine that generates electricity. It is also capable of producing electricity day and night thanks to a salt storage system that can keep the turbine going for 16 hours. For more, watch this video.Having never even heard of this type of solar power plant until just the other week, I feel like I just took a leap into a future I didn’t even know existed. My mind = blown. And not only is this a really ingenious way of harnessing solar power, the whole thing just looks incredible too. Yay for environmentally-friendly energy without it looking like a complete and uttereyesore.
Awareness is all there is.
“Awareness is all there is.You can’t say it comes from anywhere, because it is all that there is. We talk about non-duality. It is never born; it never dies. It is just unceasing. It is constantly and ever and all that there is. Yet, it is no thing that can be grasped in any way, shape or form. It has no beginning and no end, no time, no space. All those things appear in it. They are all things.And things can’t grasp what to the thing is no thing. It can’t grasp it. It is just like asking ‘where does space come from?’ when you ask ‘where does awareness come from?’ Can you find a centre to space? Can you find a circumference to space? Can you postulate anything outside of space? What would it be in? It must be in space! It is the same with awareness. It is everywhere. It is every ‘when’. It is all times and all places.”
So What Is a Fractal, Anyway?
So What Is a Fractal, Anyway?It is my firm conviction that mathematics underpins everything in the universe. Mathematics was intrinsically designed to explain the world; Newton invented differential and integral calculus, for example, to explain why the orbits of the planets were in the shape of an ellipse. Understanding the mathematics behind phenomena will not make them any less beautiful; it will make them more beautiful in that the complexity of our world is better understood and appreciated.To put it simply, fractals are self-similar and have an unusual relationship with space - kind of like the ‘It’s Complicated’ relationship status on Facebook. Self-similar, in this case, means that fractals have something called irreducible complexity: No matter how far you “zoom in” to a fractal pattern, the structure will be exactly or approximately similar to the fractal itself. In order to understand a fractal’s unusual relationship with space, however, we’re going to need to consider the concept ofdimensions.Dimensions, in their simplicity, are a very interesting mathematical concept. What, for example, makes a line one-dimensional, and a plane two-dimensional? Note that lines and planes are both self-similar, as outlined by the definition above. The differences actually lie in their self-similarity; a line can be broken down into N self-similar pieces, each with a magnification factor of N; a plane can be broken down into N^2 similar pieces, each with a magnification factor N; and a cube into N^3 pieces, with the same magnification factor N. A magnification factor will be defined here as the amount you have to “zoom in” to regain the original structure.Therefore, dimensions of self-similar objects are simply the exponent of the number of self-similar pieces with magnification factor N into which the figure may be broken. So the line segment mentioned before exists in one dimension; the plane in two dimensions; and the cube in three dimensions. Not too bad, right?Well, here’s the complicated part. Fractals can exist in non-integer dimensions.For example, we can consider the Sierpinski Triangle, which looks like this:If we accept our original ideas about dimensions to be valid, then thedimension of the Sierpinski Triangle - which, by our definition, exhibits a fractal pattern - would be governed by:Fractals have an “unusual relationship with space” because they - as shown by the Sierpinski Triangle - can exist in non-integer dimensions. Amazing, right?The three bottom images above are taken from the Mandelbrot Set - which has a topological dimension of 2 (meaning that it’s visualised, and pictured, in two dimensions) but has a fractal dimension that’s much more complex. Fractals from the Mandelbrot set - and other fractal patterns - are found throughout nature, including in the growth patterns of bacteria at the top of this post! Other examples include unfurling ferns, and the inside of certain types of seashells. It’s even been shown that the small motions of our eyes follow a fractal pattern - which is why we find things that exist in a fractal pattern aesthetically pleasing.Next time you see a fractal pattern, remember that it doesn’t just exist topologically as you see it - it’s fractal dimension could be 1.58, or 1.7!The maths behind fractal images are just as beautiful as the images themselves. In fact, in my opinion they enhance the beauty of the images my eye naturally finds aesthetically pleasing.Images: The top two images shown are of bacteria cultures exhibiting fractal growth due to environmental stress. The bottom three images are from the Mandelbrot Set.
Τρίτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
NGC 2841This X-ray/optical composite image of the large spiral galaxy NGC 2841 shows multimillion degree gas (blue/X-ray) rising above the disk of stars and cooler gas (gray/optical).The rapid outflows of gas from giant stars, and supernova explosions in the disk of a galaxy create huge shells or bubbles of hot gas that expand rapidly and rise above the disk like plumes of smoke from a chimney. Chandra’s image of NGC 2841 provides direct evidence for this process, which pumps energy into the thin gaseous halo that surrounds the galaxy. Galactic chimneys also spread hot, metal enriched gas away from the disk of the galaxy into the halo.Credit X-ray: NASA/CXC/U. Mass/Q.D.Wang; Optical: NOAO/KPNO
Κυριακή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Our Dangerous Galactic Passage
Our Dangerous Galactic Passage
We’re only a little more than three months away from the imaginary 2012 End of Times (based on silly misinterpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar). The 2012 doom and gloom folks have glommed onto all kinds of nonsensical predictions where the Milky Way galaxy disrupts us: the passage of the solar system across the galactic plane, or a supposed “grand alignment” with the galactic center will trigger a mysterious and nondescript celestial ‘force.’In reality, our Milky Way really does pose numerous hazards to Earth during the sun’s orbital journey around the galactic center. But no future space disaster can be circled on a calendar on Dec. 21 or any other date.The sun has completed 20 orbits of the galactic hub since Earth formed. Each orbit is called a galactic year — a vast stretch of time (220 million Earth years) that the Mayans could have never imagined. Whatever cosmic catastrophes might have happened along the way, it has not prevented complex life from arising and evolving on Earth over roughly the past three galactic years. There have been attempts at statistically linking mysterious mass extinctions to cosmic disasters, but we simply don’t have enough data, says Colin Norman the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md.The reality is that the potential of navigational hazards along our galactic journey lie far into the future over many millions or billions of years. Our distant descendants could come up with strategies to guard against some of these mishaps. However, the biggest threat is from extremely rare energetic events in the galaxy, says Norman.Killer catastrophes were much more frequent in the Milky Way’s formative period, billions of years before Earth was born. Stars were being made at such a voracious rate — and then quickly exploding — that the galaxy would have been made uninhabitable by the radiation saturation, says Norman.This is sobering because we suspect there could be ancient Methuselah planets in the galaxy that might have formed 12 billion years ago (as opposed to Earth’s 4.5 billion year birthday). But they would have been sterilized of life by radiation from multiple supernova and hot stellar winds from giant stars.Over time there have been 1 billion supernovae in our galaxy. They accelerate cosmic rays that irradiate any nearby star systems. Even more devastating are so-called Quimby events. These are an unusual class of extraordinarily powerful supernova that defy conventional explanations for their power generation. It’s hypothesized that these super-blasts only happen in very rare stars that are over 100 times the mass of our sun. There could have been 10 million of these popping off in our galaxy to date.Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) ratchet up the killer potential. It’s estimated there have been 100,000 gamma-ray bursts over our galaxy’s lifetime. These are produced by the biggest bangs since the Big Bang: hypernovae. These titanic stellar detonations unleash 1,000 times the energy of a supernova. It is concentrated in a narrow Death Star-like beam. The GRB beam evaporates anything that is nearby and along its path. The radiation would catastrophically damage DNA even over interstellar distances.When the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies collide in about another 10 galactic years there will be supersonic collisions between gas clouds that generate shockwaves. There will also be gravitational tidal torques on the stellar distribution.Planetary systems will survive the fireworks, but the clouds of cometary embryos surrounding these systems (known as the Oort cloud for our solar system) could be disrupted. The planets could then be subjected to devastating comet showers. However, advanced civilizations would have the technological prowess to set up a planetary protection system to deflect space invaders, like the classic Atari arcade game Asteroids.The frequency of supernova blasts will go up as a firestorm of new star birth sweeps across the merging galaxies. But advanced civilizations might set up radiation storm cellars by burrowing underground, or even hollowing out asteroids.When the supermassive black holes in the cores of the Milky Way and Andromeda merge, they will send out a gravitational wave that will momentarily distort the shape of every object in the galaxy. But not to worry. Earth’s diameter would briefly “squish” by merely one-millionth of an inch.There will not be any residual dust and gas in space to feed the 10 million solar mass newly merged black hole. All the Milky Way’s nebulosity will have all been blown away by the star formation firestorm. Therefore the elliptical galaxy formed from the Milky Way-Andromeda merger will not have a blazing active galactic nucleus powered by a well-fed black hole.This is very good news. Otherwise the blast of radiation from an active black hole would increase the pressure of the tenuous interstellar medium by a factor of as much as one million. This would crush the heliosphere around the sun, a roughly 25 billion-mile diameter bubble of solar charged particles and plasma that protects our planet from low energy cosmic rays from interstellar space and solar wind particles.However, Norman predicts that at least once during the sun’s orbit, the solar system will make a bull’s eye passed through the core of a dense molecular cloud that contains the raw material for new star formation. The space densities will also collapse the heliosphere allowing Earth to be irradiated. “We’ll be in big trouble without shielding,” says Norman.The 2012 doomsayers can reset their end-of-world calendar. In the evolving universe the future is always uncertain and fraught with unpredictable danger. But as measure in galactic years, doomsday is never right around the corner.Image credit: NASA
The 12 Levels of Ascension
The 12 Levels of Ascension
We are all evolving and absorbing Light at our own pace. Some are
consciously working with these changes and so their transmutation is
quicker, some are unaware and are absorbing this Light and change in
direct relation to planetary change. However, one can classify this
creation into levels …
consciously working with these changes and so their transmutation is
quicker, some are unaware and are absorbing this Light and change in
direct relation to planetary change. However, one can classify this
creation into levels …
- when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms
of flu, headaches, diarrhoea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Most flu
epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Brain chemistry changes, right
and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands
begin to change in size.u The DNA structure and chemical components
begin to change and pick up extra hydrogen atoms and chemicals that
the cells need to take undifferentiated higher Light and break it down
into useable Light encodements for the DNA.
of flu, headaches, diarrhoea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Most flu
epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Brain chemistry changes, right
and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands
begin to change in size.u The DNA structure and chemical components
begin to change and pick up extra hydrogen atoms and chemicals that
the cells need to take undifferentiated higher Light and break it down
into useable Light encodements for the DNA.
- the etheric blueprint floods with light and releases karmic
experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience of
’bouts of flu’. Many begin to question “why am I here”. Light in the
etheric blueprint releases 4th dimensional structure and causes spins
in the geometries of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Change is rapid and many feel tired.
experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience of
’bouts of flu’. Many begin to question “why am I here”. Light in the
etheric blueprint releases 4th dimensional structure and causes spins
in the geometries of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Change is rapid and many feel tired.
- physical senses become much stronger. Your bodies not only absorb
Light for its own change but also acts as a transducer- decoder of
higher light energies to the planet as a whole. The process of the
in-breath is now irreversible, like an elastic band that has been
stretched to maximum capacity, been let go of and will return to its
natural state.
Light for its own change but also acts as a transducer- decoder of
higher light energies to the planet as a whole. The process of the
in-breath is now irreversible, like an elastic band that has been
stretched to maximum capacity, been let go of and will return to its
natural state.
- major changes are in the brain and its chemistry and electromagnetic
energies – symptoms are often headaches, blurry vision, loss of
hearing and sometimes chest pains. Crystal regulators in the etheric
body keep lines of light within the 5th dimensional blueprint from
connecting again until you are ready. Chest pains are due to the
expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels. Vision
and hearing are being realigned to function differently.
energies – symptoms are often headaches, blurry vision, loss of
hearing and sometimes chest pains. Crystal regulators in the etheric
body keep lines of light within the 5th dimensional blueprint from
connecting again until you are ready. Chest pains are due to the
expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels. Vision
and hearing are being realigned to function differently.
The mental body begins to wonder if it really is in charge and
individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow
spirit without hesitation. Individuals may get lashes of telepathy,
clairvoyance and nearly all begin to experience empathy. This is a
time of feeling, of honouring and accepting and validating the
emotional body and learning to control it.
individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow
spirit without hesitation. Individuals may get lashes of telepathy,
clairvoyance and nearly all begin to experience empathy. This is a
time of feeling, of honouring and accepting and validating the
emotional body and learning to control it.
- the mental body decides to tune to spirit, dreams change and may
become more ‘lucid’, you get feelings of de ja vu. Thought processes
become non linear. Being’s oscillate between knowing and doubt. We
realise the habitual nature of thinking and behaviour and look at
de-programming and re-programming to create the “I” we wish to be, not
the “I” we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers
and society etc. Change seems to be constant and we consciously begin
to discern from our heart rather than judge from ‘conditioned
become more ‘lucid’, you get feelings of de ja vu. Thought processes
become non linear. Being’s oscillate between knowing and doubt. We
realise the habitual nature of thinking and behaviour and look at
de-programming and re-programming to create the “I” we wish to be, not
the “I” we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers
and society etc. Change seems to be constant and we consciously begin
to discern from our heart rather than judge from ‘conditioned
- we draw to us others for mutual support and stimulation of growth.
We question what is real, our mental process and how we identify with
others and ourselves changes rapidly. Re-evaluation may be
uncomfortable but we feel it must be done – we look at our
relationships, jobs, home environment, living styles, it is a time of
letting go, of moving on. We change our friends, everything feels to
be in a state of flux but we feel lighter, vaster, freer somehow. By
this stage the Light quotient in our being is 33% – we feel as though
we are opening up our inner senses and clairvoyance, clairaudience
etc. seem normal and natural to us.
We question what is real, our mental process and how we identify with
others and ourselves changes rapidly. Re-evaluation may be
uncomfortable but we feel it must be done – we look at our
relationships, jobs, home environment, living styles, it is a time of
letting go, of moving on. We change our friends, everything feels to
be in a state of flux but we feel lighter, vaster, freer somehow. By
this stage the Light quotient in our being is 33% – we feel as though
we are opening up our inner senses and clairvoyance, clairaudience
etc. seem normal and natural to us.
- the heart chakra opens more, we become more ‘real’ with other
emotions, we just have to be ourselves! We release blocks and old
patterns – it is a time of great emotional clearing and great
intensity as we seek to rid ourselves of emotional baggage. We feel
more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with
emotions, we just have to be ourselves! We release blocks and old
patterns – it is a time of great emotional clearing and great
intensity as we seek to rid ourselves of emotional baggage. We feel
more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with
Often old relationships end or change rapidly as Being’s dig deep and
honour their feelings – there is simply no room for denial on any
level. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. Chest pains
(angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy
fields. (Doing the Unified chakra meditation will assist in the heart
honour their feelings – there is simply no room for denial on any
level. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. Chest pains
(angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy
fields. (Doing the Unified chakra meditation will assist in the heart
Fear at this time is released as the energy fields of all the bodies
are realigned through the heart and when aligned, fear drops away.
Pressure at the forehead or back or the head is due to the opening of
the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light, when these
glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level,
ageing and death cease. When the pineal gland is fully open we
experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we
leave it behind.
are realigned through the heart and when aligned, fear drops away.
Pressure at the forehead or back or the head is due to the opening of
the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light, when these
glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level,
ageing and death cease. When the pineal gland is fully open we
experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we
leave it behind.
Some days we feel connected and joyous, others we are in fear and
caught up in survival issues. Many wish to ‘ascend’ and leave the
planet as we sense the very real possibility of ascension through our
deepening connection with spirit. As we learn to follow our joy, we
may then want to ‘save the planet’ and have everyone follow their joy.
caught up in survival issues. Many wish to ‘ascend’ and leave the
planet as we sense the very real possibility of ascension through our
deepening connection with spirit. As we learn to follow our joy, we
may then want to ‘save the planet’ and have everyone follow their joy.
ALL are stages of progression and reflect our changing perception.
Dietary wise, you feel to eat less, more light, live food – many at
this stage have ceased to eat meat, sugar and drink alcohol as they
‘feel’ the effects of these substances on the vibrational fields of
the body.
Dietary wise, you feel to eat less, more light, live food – many at
this stage have ceased to eat meat, sugar and drink alcohol as they
‘feel’ the effects of these substances on the vibrational fields of
the body.
- we leave the ‘saving and rescuing’ mode behind . The pineal and
pituitary glands change shape, if headaches persist ask the Being’s
who are working with you to simply ‘tone it down’ for they don’t feel
pain, or ask them to release endorphin’s – the brains natural opiate.
The brain is being activated – particularly the cerebrum, the
‘sleeping giant’. Cranial expansion is common; triangular ‘seed
crystals’ in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the
brain are activated along with the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras. We begin
to be hooked into the languages of Light.
pituitary glands change shape, if headaches persist ask the Being’s
who are working with you to simply ‘tone it down’ for they don’t feel
pain, or ask them to release endorphin’s – the brains natural opiate.
The brain is being activated – particularly the cerebrum, the
‘sleeping giant’. Cranial expansion is common; triangular ‘seed
crystals’ in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the
brain are activated along with the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras. We begin
to be hooked into the languages of Light.
The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to
create the ‘Arc of the Covenant’, a rainbow light that arcs over the
top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for
higher dimensional language. You may find it hard to find words to
express yourself as you may think in geometries and tones. If confused
do the unified chakra meditation and ask for messages to be decoded
and translated. Again you become much more aware of the vastness and
multi-dimensionality of your nature, that you can be anything that you
want to be, you cease to operate from obligation and relationships
become transpersonal.
create the ‘Arc of the Covenant’, a rainbow light that arcs over the
top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for
higher dimensional language. You may find it hard to find words to
express yourself as you may think in geometries and tones. If confused
do the unified chakra meditation and ask for messages to be decoded
and translated. Again you become much more aware of the vastness and
multi-dimensionality of your nature, that you can be anything that you
want to be, you cease to operate from obligation and relationships
become transpersonal.
You share words from your heart and soul and others may feel
disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have ‘hooks’
into you to link with. You operate from a deep level of serenity with
heightened sensitivity and awareness yet feel grounded and
transformed. By this stage, it is possible to be sustained purely by
Light and prana, to take no nourishment from the atmospheric realms
and to be healthily sustained by the etheric.
disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have ‘hooks’
into you to link with. You operate from a deep level of serenity with
heightened sensitivity and awareness yet feel grounded and
transformed. By this stage, it is possible to be sustained purely by
Light and prana, to take no nourishment from the atmospheric realms
and to be healthily sustained by the etheric.
- decoding geometries and toning is easier, spirit is using the
languages of light which shift the 6th dimensional blueprint into a
new template for your 5th dimensional Lightbody. Your body may change
shape as the energy fields shift. You feel interconnected to all
Being’s everywhere and less connected to the opinions of others. You
release the desire for and the energy to sustain the ‘game of
separation and limitation’ and feel truly free. The 9th level sees a
mass descension of the Lightbody into physical form. As with the 3rd
and 6th, this level sees a strong re-evaluation as we begin the final
surrender to Spirit and we truly become the Divine instrument. Here
Spirit determines our income, our work, other being’s in our lives,
languages of light which shift the 6th dimensional blueprint into a
new template for your 5th dimensional Lightbody. Your body may change
shape as the energy fields shift. You feel interconnected to all
Being’s everywhere and less connected to the opinions of others. You
release the desire for and the energy to sustain the ‘game of
separation and limitation’ and feel truly free. The 9th level sees a
mass descension of the Lightbody into physical form. As with the 3rd
and 6th, this level sees a strong re-evaluation as we begin the final
surrender to Spirit and we truly become the Divine instrument. Here
Spirit determines our income, our work, other being’s in our lives,
This is the dissolution of the ego-self and while ecstatic, it can be
most painful. Making the leap can be fearful even though we have
evolved through eons of time to reach this point. We may go back and
forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go -
there is no turning back and all must be released. 9th level is
surrender and then ecstasy; the letting go of the “I” – we realise
that while free will is real it is also an illusion as it only there
to guide us and to empower us to be One with Spirit. Survival fears
leave – focus in on the Now at one-at-ment. Though fears may surface,
they seem unreal and are easily put aside.
most painful. Making the leap can be fearful even though we have
evolved through eons of time to reach this point. We may go back and
forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go -
there is no turning back and all must be released. 9th level is
surrender and then ecstasy; the letting go of the “I” – we realise
that while free will is real it is also an illusion as it only there
to guide us and to empower us to be One with Spirit. Survival fears
leave – focus in on the Now at one-at-ment. Though fears may surface,
they seem unreal and are easily put aside.
We tend to disconnect from consensus reality and our choices and
reality seem unreal to others. From the 7th, 8th and 9th the inner
light noticeably radiates out and by now you feel unbelievably
grounded, connected, centred, filled with purpose and desiring only to
serve. For awhile you may slip between the 8th and 9th, from feeling
complete at-one-ment to being ‘ a limited human being’ again, this
settles down by the end of the 9th level. You then continually feel
connected and operate from your Christ level and your intention and
motivation is always for the highest, although others, due to their
own inner triggers and issues, may not always choose to see that. The
9th is where we begin to hook up to our
reality seem unreal to others. From the 7th, 8th and 9th the inner
light noticeably radiates out and by now you feel unbelievably
grounded, connected, centred, filled with purpose and desiring only to
serve. For awhile you may slip between the 8th and 9th, from feeling
complete at-one-ment to being ‘ a limited human being’ again, this
settles down by the end of the 9th level. You then continually feel
connected and operate from your Christ level and your intention and
motivation is always for the highest, although others, due to their
own inner triggers and issues, may not always choose to see that. The
9th is where we begin to hook up to our
Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating,
along with the new higher vibrational energies we have not created
Heaven yet. So, thought you may be struggling and confused at this
time, Know that your future holds the following in Your Heaven on
Earth, maybe even before the final push. Just have Faith: I AM.
along with the new higher vibrational energies we have not created
Heaven yet. So, thought you may be struggling and confused at this
time, Know that your future holds the following in Your Heaven on
Earth, maybe even before the final push. Just have Faith: I AM.
The last three levels unify all energy fields, all chakras are unified
and you become totally connected to your I AM.
and you become totally connected to your I AM.
- you are one with Source consciousness and know all is possible. DNA
is no longer 2 strand but 12 strand; teleportation, manifestation etc.
are instantaneous. The Merkabah (another name for our Lightbody) has
been built and allows you to pass through space, time and dimensions
complete in your totality. It has its own consciousness to be directed
by you.
is no longer 2 strand but 12 strand; teleportation, manifestation etc.
are instantaneous. The Merkabah (another name for our Lightbody) has
been built and allows you to pass through space, time and dimensions
complete in your totality. It has its own consciousness to be directed
by you.
- all levels of the lightbody have been constructed and activated and
are connected to your physical body via ‘spin points’. These light
matrix’s lie along the physical acupuncture meridians and are lines of
light intersecting in beautiful geometries – a new 5th dimensional
circulatory system of Light. Cellular regeneration has been
accomplished. Time is no longer linear but simultaneous – past,
present and future co-exist – all exist in parallels. There is no
separation and you will fully manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth
and express the ecstasy of Spirit. In this ‘frame’ of conscious
awareness many now access and create new types of Light based
technologies, new community living, new systems of government and
equitable food and resource distribution systems. All have received
specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New
World – the ‘Golden Age’.
are connected to your physical body via ‘spin points’. These light
matrix’s lie along the physical acupuncture meridians and are lines of
light intersecting in beautiful geometries – a new 5th dimensional
circulatory system of Light. Cellular regeneration has been
accomplished. Time is no longer linear but simultaneous – past,
present and future co-exist – all exist in parallels. There is no
separation and you will fully manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth
and express the ecstasy of Spirit. In this ‘frame’ of conscious
awareness many now access and create new types of Light based
technologies, new community living, new systems of government and
equitable food and resource distribution systems. All have received
specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New
World – the ‘Golden Age’.
12. THE 12th LEVEL
- the continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World
systems – hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into
existence new governments, new financial and educational systems,
better system of food and resource allocation etc. as all will be
redefined in the final stages of Earth’s ascension so that all may
exist in joy, equality and harmony. By this time the planet and her
inhabitants will have been ‘rewoven’ into Light to shine in their full
glory as the final stages of this Divine Plan unfolds. The planet goes
to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a
multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in
total Mastery. All parallel realities are rewoven and absorbed back to
Spirit and all have aligned their will to the Divine.
systems – hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into
existence new governments, new financial and educational systems,
better system of food and resource allocation etc. as all will be
redefined in the final stages of Earth’s ascension so that all may
exist in joy, equality and harmony. By this time the planet and her
inhabitants will have been ‘rewoven’ into Light to shine in their full
glory as the final stages of this Divine Plan unfolds. The planet goes
to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a
multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in
total Mastery. All parallel realities are rewoven and absorbed back to
Spirit and all have aligned their will to the Divine.
…. Excerpt from the book “The Art of Resonance”
Παρασκευή 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Links to helpful e-books from my personal collection
Links to helpful e-books from my personal collection
Here are links to e-books I’ve uploaded for you all to enjoy.
All the links are safe! If you have any questions, inbox me.
Share as much as you want. Knowledge is power!
Carl Jung e-books
Ancient Egypt e-books
Hermeticism e-books
World Mythology e-books
Philosophy e-books
Sacred Geometry e-books
Shamanism e-books
World Religion e-books
Yoga e-books
All the links are safe! If you have any questions, inbox me.
Share as much as you want. Knowledge is power!
Carl Jung e-books
Ancient Egypt e-books
Hermeticism e-books
World Mythology e-books
Philosophy e-books
Sacred Geometry e-books
Shamanism e-books
World Religion e-books
Yoga e-books
I believe we have to remember we are ALREADY perfect. Most do not believe this and honestly feel it is something to strive for. NO. We are perfect because we are Divine sparks of light and with that we chose to come here to have the experience of being human and that means humans are EMOTIONAL .
They do not call this the “blue planet of emotion” for nothing. This is the ONLY place where a being can feel and have so many emotions. And this is very attractive to many beings and many flock to this planet to have this human experience.
Once one gets here they are told human emotions are weak or wrong by other humans. Well that is bullshit and I am here to tell all of you stop this silly programmed lie and belief !!
MEN wake up connect with the heart now that is a real man a man who is not afraid to have genuine authentic feelings and able to fully express them.
Women do not feel less because you ARE emotional of the two species, FUCK IT IT IS OKAY TO HAVE EMOTIONS AND YOU ARE NOT LESS THAN!
We are no longer in 3D where this silly ideal was originated but in 4D & higher it does not work . The heart is where it is at get hip and SHIFT.
Δευτέρα 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012
Energy Healing
This is a beautiful article
The programs taught at the Center for Self Transformation help you heal your Self at all layers (physical, emotional, mental, etherical, causal and soul). The pains you have are created by your own thought forms. The more you dwell on negative thoughts and issues the deeper you inject your pains. The Universal law of Cause and Effect (Karma) states that whatever you send out (know that every thought word, deed and action is energy), comes right back to you.

Every harmful thought, word or action creates dark energy blockages in your own system. These dark energy blockages drop your level of vibration and diminish your love and light energy. Taking medicine, prescribed drugs and surgery at the physical level only provides temporary relief for the symptom pain and does not remove the dark energies engrained in your system. The cause of the pain is still in your system and will continue to create disharmony within you. The solution is to clear all negative energies from your system. Clearing these energies empowers you by raising your vibrations, increasing your inner light and developing more love, compassion and joy in your life.
Like many diseases cancer is initiated (caused) by ill thought forms (especially guilt feelings) about yourself. Every time you create a thought form that emotionally harms or hurts you by bringing painful thoughts and feelings into your system, you are creating dis-ease in your mental and emotional energetic system. The more you dwell on these hurtful thought forms and feelings the more you energize the dis-ease. Carrying guilt for many years is a typical scenario that builds the dis-ease.
When you come to understand that every situation, every scenario you go through with other people, your reaction to the scene at play is the key to your growth or downfall. The key lesson for all beings on this planet is to project love for others and themselves under all situations and conditions. When you are able to do this, you will graduate from the hardest lesson on this planet. Love is the key to all existence. Love is also the key to heal all dis-ease. With love forgiveness for self and others comes naturally.
With all diseases including cancer the first objective is to understand that the cause is through your own guilt or harmful thoughts and feelings created by you upon yourself. Accepting this and forgiving yourself and all involved in the creation of this scenario has a powerful healing effect. Acceptance and forgiveness with love has to be done over and over until you can feel absolute acceptance and forgiveness from the mental, emotional and physical layers. Since this is a build up from many years healing the cause requires clearing all the negative energy blocks created by the harmful thoughts and feelings. Holistic work helps achieve this. Most issues and confrontations result from relationships. These issues are usually created through expectations not being fulfilled. The higher level aspect of relationships is the understanding that we are all independent beings (we come into the planetary system alone with nothing and we leave alone with nothing - the body belongs to Earth (its given to us to experience Earth life and stays on Earth when we leave). The Earth life is a process of schooling. The biggest lesson we all came here to learn is to experience all aspects of love and the development of true universal love within us. With pure love there is no hatred or dislike for any being no matter what harm they may do to us. Its like your 2 year old child breaking your priceless vase (or possession). Do wish harm on the child for doing this? Most will be upset for a little while but the love for the child is still very deep.
HEALING REQUIRES GRATITUDE AND TOTAL FORGIVENESS. You cannot have any guilt feelings or issues with anyone. Everything is a journey of life’s experiences. Every relationship (parental, family, spouses, friends, lovers) teaches you the challenges of love. TRUE LOVE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN YOUR BEING WILL ACKNOWLEDGE ALL RELATIONSHIPS (GOOD AND BAD) WITH GRATITUDE. When you accept every situation (and relationship) as a level of experience, the power of gratitude towards the being(s) for sharing their life with you (for whatever time period) with forgiveness (for your SELF for creating issues, expectations and other form of negativity towards others) clears the energy blocks in your system. We have to remember that every being is here for their own journey and experiences. We do not own any being or control their life journey.
Over time the negative energy blocks from the emotional and mental finally flows into the physical body. This is when the symptoms are noticed and action is taken to fix the problem. Medical Practitioners are trained to provide temporary fixes, and in most cases they take care of the symptoms not the cause. Very few understand that the cause of all issues in the physical body is in the energetic bodies and not in the physical layer. To heal from cancer or other such diseases one must fully cleanse the physical, emotional and mental layers of your system. The cleansing should not kill all the white blood cells in the body and weaken your immune system.
Changing your diet is essential to healing. Detoxification cleanses the physical layer. Energetic work, stress reduction processes, meditation, and deep cleansing of physical, mental and emotional energetic blockages helps speed up the healing process.
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